Notable changes are:
* Fixed bug: proc axis - when producing stubs running from negative
to positive, zero is displayed as a very tiny non-zero
value such as 5.2579e-17 due to rounding error.
* Fixed bug: proc getdata - buffer overflow when 'filter' is used
with data records longer than 254 chars, causing garbage
result or instability.
Version 1.41 as of 18 June '01:
* Ploticus now covered under GPL.
* Fixed bug: colored background not completely filling the result window
when scale is being done
* Fixed scripts in test suite: The change in default size (version 1.40)
sometimes caused general layout problems with graphics that were layed
out with an 8.5" x 11" default size in mind. The solution for these
scripts is to add a #proc page and specify pagesize: 8.5 11. Some of
the scripts in the test suite had such problems and are now fixed.
* Fixed bug: EPS bounding box incorrect for 1) pltab output and 2) pl
where result draws into negative absolute coordinate space.
* Fixed bug: proc areadef xautorange/yautorange not working correctly in
some cases when a nearest= value is specified. This bug was
apparently introduced in 1.40.
* Fixed bug: proc lineplot - accum option choking when non-numeric data
* Fixed bug: proc rangebar - negative barloc values not working.
* Added: proc areadef - autorange datafield may now be a comma-delimited
list of dfields so that multiple data fields are considered
when determining the axis min and max.
* Changed: scaletypes - times hh:mm:ss and mm:ss - validity checking
relaxed slightly to allow degenerate values such as 0:4:9
* Fixed bug: pltab - incorrect interaction between #font and
* Fixed bug: proc rangebar - textdetails controls N= label but not
missing label
* Fixed bug: pltab - creates 8.5 x 11 inch gif, png regardless of result
* Fixed bug: axis - line grid and gridblock starting point incorrect in X
* Fixed bug: axis - colors incorrect when specified in certain
combinations for tics, stubs, grid
* Fixed bug: bars - ticks not being drawn when truncating was not
switched on
Version 1.40 as of 16 Jan '01:
* proc getdata - variables may be declared and set from within data files
using #set
* proc curvefit - linear regression and correlation
* proc areadef - "autowidth" and "autoheight" attributes for data-driven
plot area size
* proc axis - alternating shaded block backgrounds
* added: new script $functions - $exists() and $notexists() to test if a
@VARIABLE has a value. See functions(pl)
added: new script #operators - #hideund and #showund to control
display of embedded underscores, and #includesh. See scripts(pl)
* added: new scaletype - log+1 scaling for handling log-characeristic
data that may contain values of 0.0
* added: proc areadef - autorange - "incmult", which assists in
automatically determining hi and low margin
* added: proc areadef - "xextracategory" and "yextracategory" attributes,
which allow categories to be added explicitly even when most
categories are defined from data
* added: proc axis - "stubcull" attribute for eliminating stub collision,
or pile up on log axis
* added: proc axis - definable extent for grid lines
* added: cmyk color specification for use with PostScript and EPS.
* added: textdetails - "font" subattribute for setting PostScript font.
* added: proc print - "outfile" and "outmode" attributes allowing proc
print to write to files
* added: proc print - now sets a variable called NSELECTED.
* added: proc legend - "reset" attribute.
* added: proc bars - "hidezerobars" attribute
* added: proc curvefit - "select" attribute
* added: proc curvefit - new curvetype - "avg"
* added: proc tabulate - "showrange" attribute supercedes
showrangelowonly. Range label can be the average of low and
high end of range.
* added: proc rangebar - "logmean" attribute, for computing means and
standard deviations in log space.
* added: proc rangebar - "statsonly" attribute, to compute stats and set
variables without drawing the bar.
added: proc rangebar - now sets the variables RANGEBARIQRMIN and
* changed: proc getdata - pl no longer quits when no data could be read.
Scripts can check @NRECORDS after getdata finishes and take
appropriate action.
* changed: default result size is now 8" x 8".
* changed: proc curvefit - data no longer need to be ordered on X for
curve computation
* changed: standalone $functions (those that are not part of an #if
construct) may contain embedded white space
* changed: color specifications - the separator character in rgb(r,g,b)
constructs may be any of comma, dash, colon, or pipe. Comma
was problematic if rgb constructs were put into a comma-
delimited list, as in students example.
* changed: .pls is now a "known extension" for script files.
* changed: improved the heuristic for automatic axis increment
* fixed bug: proc scatterplot - if select condition used or if values are
out-of-range, labels from data and datapoint size from data
may be incorrect due to data alignment bug.
* fixed bug: proc lineplot - if select condition used or if values are
out-of-range, labels from data may be incorrect due to data
alignment bug.
* fixed bug: proc rangebar - file close problem causing core dump on
* fixed bug: multipage plots & page breaks - if proc page was used to
break to page 2, and proc page wasn't used for page 1,
drawing continues on page 1.
* fixed bug: proc getdata - select was not working when field names used
(message: no such data field).
* fixed bug: date scaling - dates containing embedded dashes were not
converted properly when used. as locvalue e.g. proc
annotate location.
* fixed bug: $max() function was giving incorrect results
* fixed bug: proc page - on multipage landscape plots using PNG/GIF only
the last page was viewable.
* fixed bug: PNG/GIF driver memory leak when doing multipage plots.
fixed bug: incorrect fda() calls in tabulate.c and
* fixed bug: proc getdata filters - potential instability if references
were made to data fields beyond NFIELDS.
* fixed bug: proc bars - tics produced through the use of leftticfield,
rightticfield, and midticfield were being drawn outside of
plotting area