Itcl 4.0.0 is bundled.
XXX: but not works well yet.
2.0p1 04/16/2004
Compilation of the file libdesk/tixImgXpm.c fails when using a Tk version lower than 8.3.
2.0p2 04/20/2004
Some Linux distributions are using newer "unofficial" versions of Incr Tcl
(Itcl). Though TkDesk 2.0 works with the official Itcl 3.2.1 release, these
newer Itcl installations disable backwards compatibility for some older Itcl
syntax that TkDesk still requires. The typical symptom of this problem is this
error message when TkDesk is started:
Error in startup script: can't rename "itcl_class": command doesn't exist...