1.6.1 – March 5, 2013 * First release of source maps. Pass the --map flag to the compiler, and off you go. Direct all your thanks over to Jason Walton. * Fixed a 1.5.0 regression with multiple implicit calls against an indented implicit object. Combinations of implicit function calls and implicit objects should generally be parsed better now — but it still isn't good style to nest them too heavily. * .coffee.md is now also supported as a Literate CoffeeScript file extension, for existing tooling. .litcoffee remains the canonical one. * Several minor fixes surrounding member properties, bound methods and super in class declarations. 1.5.0 – Feb 25, 2013 * First release of Literate CoffeeScript. * The CoffeeScript REPL is now based on the Node.js REPL, and should work better and more familiarly. * Returning explicit values from constructors is now forbidden. If you want to return an arbitrary value, use a function, not a constructor. * You can now loop over an array backwards, without having to manually deal with the indexes: for item in list by -1 * Source locations are now preserved in the CoffeeScript AST, although source maps are not yet being emitted.
12 lines
336 B
12 lines
336 B
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2013/03/11 09:24:46 taca Exp $
DISTNAME= coffee-script-source-1.6.1
MAINTAINER= pkgsrc-users@NetBSD.org
HOMEPAGE= http://jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/
COMMENT= Little language that compiles into JavaScript
.include "../../lang/ruby/gem.mk"
.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"