sno 1740dada22 Updating security/p5-Data-SimplePassword from 0.05nb1 to 0.06
pkgsrc changes:
- imported and added recommended dependency to Math::Random::MT
- moved List::MoreUtils to run dependencies

Upstream changes:
0.06  Tue Aug 31 15:37:15 JST 2010
	* added a parameter 'provider' passed to Crypt::Random.
	  now you can avoid annoying device lock to set the value for example
	  to 'udevrandom' (means /dev/urandom), 'rand' etc.
2010-09-09 05:54:41 +00:00

5 lines
273 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.4 2010/09/09 05:54:41 sno Exp $
SHA1 (Data-SimplePassword-0.06.tar.gz) = bdbe2b161c8175fd7613c902fab016f6db92dffe
RMD160 (Data-SimplePassword-0.06.tar.gz) = 1bd9c5420f1a8d8e0fd55ff3458c2bb446ccd9bb
Size (Data-SimplePassword-0.06.tar.gz) = 7901 bytes