obache 17eff879bd Update apache-tomcat55 to 5.5.23.
Tomcat 5.5.23 (fhanik)
 41608 Make log levels consistent when Servlet.service() throws an exception. (markt)
 41666 Correct handling of boundary conditions for If-Unmodified-Since and If-Modified-Since headers. Patch provided by Suzuki Yuichiro. (markt)
 41674 Fix error messages when parsing context.xml that incorrectly referred to web.xml. (markt)
 41739 Correct handling of servlets with a load-on-startup value of zero. These are now the first servlets to be started. (markt)

 Requests with multiple content-length headers are now rejected. (markt)

Tomcat 5.5.22 (fhanik)
 Fix regression in build that prevented connectors from building. (markt)

Tomcat 5.5.21 (fhanik)
 41401: StandardService.getConnectorNames() return array of Connector JMX objectnames. (pero)
 29727: If env-entry values in web.xml are changed then ensure new values are applied when context is reloaded. (markt)
 34956: Ensure request and response objects passed to a RequestDispatcher meet the requirements of SRV.8.2 and SRV. This is disabled by default. The Java option -Dorg.apache.catalina.STRICT_SERVLET_COMPLIANCE=true is required to enable this test. (markt)
 36274: When including static content with the DefaultServlet also treat content types ending in xml as text. (markt)
 36976: Don't use CATALINA_OPTS when stopping Tomcat. This allows options for starting and stopping to be set on JAVA_OPTS and options for starting only to be set on CATALINA_OPTS. Without this fix, some startup options (eg the port for remote JMX) would cause stop to fail. Based on a fix suggested by Michael Vorburger. (markt)
 37070: Update mbean name documentation to include the StandardWrapper. (markt)
 37356: Ensure sessions time out correctly. This has been fixed by removing the accessCount feature by default. This feature prevents the session from timing out whilst requests that last longer than the session time out are being processed. This feature is enabled by setting the Java option -Dorg.apache.catalina.STRICT_SERVLET_COMPLIANCE=true The feature is now implemented with synchronization which addresses the thread safety issues associated with the original bug report. (markt)
 37439: Update documentation for Engine component to add the requirement that the name must be unique. (markt)
 37458: Add syncs to the WebappClassloader to address rare issues when multiple threads attempt to load the same class concurrently. (markt)
 37509: Do not remove whitespace from the end of values defined in files. (markt)
 38198: Add reference to Context documentation from Host documentation that explains how Context name is obtained from the Context filename. (markt)
 39088: Prevent infinte loops when an exception is thrown that returns itself for getRootCause(). Based on a patch by Wouter Zelle. (markt)
 39436: Correct MIME type for SVG. (markt)
 39627: JULI no longer ignores a ".level=XXX" directive in Patch provided by Roger Keays and Richard Fearn. (markt)
 39724: Removing the last valve from a pipeline did not return the pipeline to the original state. Patch provided by David Gagon. (markt)
 40367: Update JK auto configuration documentation to clarify that must also exist. (markt)
 40524: HttpServletRequest.getAuthType() now returns CLIENT_CERT rather than CLIENT-CERT for certificate authentication as per the spec. Note that web.xml continues to use CLIENT-CERT to specify the certificate authentication should be used. (markt)
 40526: Add support for JPDA_OPTS to catalina.bat and add a JPDA_SUSPEND environment variable to both startup scripts. Patch provided by Kurt Roy. (markt)
 40528: Add missing message localisations as provided by Ben Clifford. (markt)
 40585: Fix parameterised constructor for o.a.juli.FileHandler so parameters have an effect. (markt)
 40625: Stop CGIServlet swallowing the root cause of an exception. Patch provided by Takayoshi Kimura. (markt)
 40723: Correct table creation example in JavaDoc for JDBCAccessLogValve. (markt)
 40802: Add jsp-api.jar to fileset in catalina-tasks.xml as provided by Daniel Santos. (pero)
 40817: Correct problem where CGI scripts in the root of the ROOT context threw a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException. (markt)
 Set the SCRIPT_FILENAME environment variable required by PHP when using the CGIServlet to execute PHP. (markt)
 40823: Update context doc to clarify use of ROOT.xml, multi-level context paths and to further discourage use of server.xml (markt)
 40844: Add additional syncs to JDBCRealm to resolve NPE when two users try to authenticate using DIGEST authentication at the same time. (markt)
 40860: Log exceptions and other problems during parameter processing. (markt)
 40901: Encode directory listing output. Based on a patch provided by Chris Halstead. (markt)
 40929: Correct JavaDoc for StandardCalssLoader. (markt)
 41008: Allow POST to be used for indexed queries with CGI Servlet. Patch provided by Chris Halstead. (markt)
 41020: Improve error message when custom error report Valve fails to load. Also remove requirement that custom error report Valves extend ValveBase. (markt)
 41217: Set secure attribute on SSO cookie when cookie is created during a secure request. Patch provided by Chris Halstead. (markt)
 Ensure Accept-Language headers conform to RFC 2616. Ignore them if they do not. (markt)
 Make provided instances of RequestDispatcher thread safe. (markt)
 Fix formatting of CGI variable SCRIPT_NAME. (markt)
 34643: Improved documentation for per-user / per-session clientAuth usage in SSL Authenticator. Docs provided by jack and Ralf Hauser. (yoavs)
 40668: Update release notes and readme files specific to v5.5.20 to notify users of missing MailSessionFactory in distribution, suggest workarounds, and link to relevant Bugzilla issue. (yoavs)
 37977: adapt BUILDING.txt and net build.xml for SVN. Patch by Christopher Sahnwaldt. (yoavs)
 39055: Link to sample workaround code for using JSR160 JMX monitoring with a local firewall. Thanks to George Lindholm for the patch. (yoavs)
 39476: add xml declaration to most build.xml files, as suggested by Gregory S. Hoerner Sr. (yoavs)
 40326: stop using File#deleteOnExit in DefaultServlet to avoid JVM memory leak, as suggested by quartz. (yoavs)
 40192: update setup.html notes regarding Windows tray icon. (yoavs)
 40177: add more warnings to documentation about RequestDumperValve character encoding. (yoavs)
 39255: NPE in AuthenticatorBase when logging level is set to DEBUG and no prinicpal found. (yoavs)
 41437: Make log messages and loglevel consistent during Context start. Patch provided by Suzuki Yuichiro. (markt)

 38332: Add backlog attribute to ChannelSocket as provided by Takayoshi Kimura. (pero)
 Backport packetSize feature from Tomcat 6.0.x at standard coyote AJP Jk handler. (pero)
 40771: Fix implementation of SavedRequestInputFilter.doRead() so POST data may be read using a Valve or Filter. Patch provided by Michael Dufel. (markt)
 41017: Restore behaviour of MessageBytes.setString(null). (remm/markt)
 41057: Modify StringCache to add a configurable upper bound to the length of cached strings. (remm/markt)
 38774: Check system property as a secondary source for keystore password in JSSESocketFactory, as suggested by Ted X. Toth. (yoavs)
 39402: Modify existing Vary HTTP header, rather than overwrite it, if it exists when using GZip compression. Patch by Matthew Cooke. (yoavs)
 40241: Catch Exceptions instead of Throwables in Default and SSI servlets. Also improve relevant logging while we're at it. (yoavs)
 40133: Better error message when context name is not available on startup, as suggested by Andreas Plesner Jacobsen. (yoavs)

 39975: don't have static Log references to prevent classloader leaks. (yoavs)
 40104: When displaying JSP source after an exception, handle included files. (markt)
 40797: This was a regression as a result of the fix for 33407. TLD validation was failing as a result of the use of the escape character (0x1b) as a temporary replacement for \$. An alternative character (0xe000) from the unicode private use range is now used. (markt)
 41057: Make jsp:plugin output XHTML compliant. (markt)
 41327: Show full URI for a 404. Patch provided by Vijay. (markt)
 41265: Allow JspServlet checkInterval init parameter to be explicitly set to the stated default value of zero by removing the code that resets it to 300 if explicitly specified as zero. (markt)
 Display the JSP source when a compilation error occurs and display the correct line number rather than start of a scriptlet block. (markt)

 34952: Clarify that the Windows Installer always installs a Windows service. (markt)
 35968: Make environment entry properties input a text area. Patch provided by Tristan Marly. (markt)
 37588: Fix creation of JNDI Realm in admin application. Patch provided by Terry Zhou. (markt)
 38048: Fix memory leak assoaciated with use of expression language in JSPs. Patch provided by Taras Tielkes. (markt)
 39572: Improvements to CompressionFilter example provided by Eric Hedstrom. (markt)
 40507: Update host-manager and servlet-examples web-apps to use the servlet 2.4 xsd. Patch provided by Chris Halstead. (markt)
 40581: Add information on the use of a symbloic link as the docBase for a Context to the Context documentation. (markt)
 40633: Remove references to the DefaultContext from the documentation. (markt)
 40677: Update SSL documentation to indicate that PKCS11 keystores may be used. (markt)
 40714: Admin webapp no longer requires a username for a DataSource since it is not required in all cases. (markt)
 40720: Fix exception in admin webapp when adding a group to a user. (markt)
 40874: Correct log4j configuration in documentation webapp. Patch provided by Franck Borel. (markt)
 40999: Add trust store configuration for SSL connectors to the admin webapp. (markt)
 41051: Add information on keystore aliases and case sensitivity to SSL HOW-TO. (markt)
 41182: Update the Jasper documentation for the classpath attribute. (markt)
 41493: Fix handling of APR connectors in Admin webapp. (markt)
 41512: Version number was not inserted in release notes. (markt)
 40257: Update Manager webapp howto on remote deployment to reflect need for explicit path in one specific use-case. Thanks to Venkatesh Jayaraman. (yoavs)
 40160: add reference to the Filter proposed in this Bugzilla item to the WebdavServlet. While at it, give the WebdavServlet some long-overdue TLC by cleaning up some of the old data structures in favor of modern (but still JDK 1.4-compliant) interfaces. (yoavs)
 Add a virtual hosting how-to contributed by Hassan Schroeder. (markt)

 Add clustered SSO code and backport feature from Tomcat 6.0.x, submitted by Fabien Carrion (pero)
 Add better recovery at FastAsyncQueueSender. Made the startegy more robust for temporary connection problems (pero)
2007-04-25 06:14:45 +00:00
distinfo Update apache-tomcat55 to 5.5.23. 2007-04-25 06:14:45 +00:00
Makefile Update apache-tomcat55 to 5.5.23. 2007-04-25 06:14:45 +00:00
PLIST Update apache-tomcat55 to 5.5.23. 2007-04-25 06:14:45 +00:00