wen 95fbbe7857 Update to 1.220
Upstream changes:
1.220 Tue 11 Nov 2014
	- incompatible behavior fixes on PPI::Statement::Sub->prototype
	- improved parsing of various syntax elements
	- code quality improvements
	- various small documentation fixes

	- {} is now recognized as anonymous hash constructor instead of a code
	  block after these operators: &&= //= || && // ? :
	  (GitHub #36) (MOREGAN)
	- regex capture variables greater than $9 are now parsed completely,
	  instead of being parsed as single digit captures with numbers after
	  them (GitHub #38) (MOREGAN)
	- DESTROY and AUTOLOAD subs are now parsed even without the sub
	  keyword (GitHub #39) (MOREGAN)
	- PPI::Statement::Sub->prototype behavior now matches its
	  documentation, instead of returning the prototype string
	  unchanged and still including the parens (GitHub #56) (MOREGAN)
	- PPI::Statement::Sub->prototype now returns undef on subs without a
	  prototype, instead of returning an empty string
	  (GitHub #56) (MOREGAN)
	- list of keywords which are not parsed as packages when followed by
	  the Perl4 package separator ' has been increased
	  (GitHub #77) (MOREGAN)
	- application of a number of Perl::Critic policies and documentation
	  fixes (GitHub #53) (MOREGAN, MITHALDU)
	- automation of generation for git (GitHub #86) (COWENS)
	- various small documentation fixes (Github #96) (MOREGAN)

1.218 Sat 16 Aug 2014
	- Fixes for various parsing and documentation bugs
	- 1MB limit on input document size removed
	- Moved repository to GitHub:

	- Stop directing bugs to (GitHub #40) (MOREGAN)
	- Fix documentation reference to List::Util (RT #75308) (RWSTAUNER)
	- Improve scalability of parsing long lines, and remove the size
	  limit on documents PPI will parse (GitHub #5) (MITHALDU)
	- Speed up adding an element to an unlabeled statement.
	  Allow inlining of some methods. (WOLFSAGE)
	- Expanded test coverage (DOLMEN, MOREGAN)
	- Convert inline tests to standalone tests (GitHub #12) (MOREGAN)
	- Fix for '1=>x' being parsed as x operator (GitHub #46) (MOREGAN)
	- Recognize that '1 x3' is the x operator followed by a 3
	  (RT #37892, GitHub #27) (MOREGAN)
	- Support all augmented assignment operators (<<=, ||=, etc.)
	  (RT #68176, 71705) (MOREGAN)
	- Stop upper-case "=CUT" from terminating POD (RT #75039) (JAE)
	- Support upper-case digits in hex and binary numbers, including
	  in the leading '0X' and '0B'. (RT #36540) (KRYDE, MOREGAN)
	- Fix float argument to range operator misparsed as version
	  string (RT #45014) (MOREGAN)
	- Fix POD markup in PPI::Find (RT #51693) (FWIE)
	- Fix spelling of "Tom Christiansen" (RT #67264) (TADMC)
	- Fix a large raft of spelling and grammar errors (RT #85049) (David
	  Steinbrunner, DOLMEN, MOREGAN)
	- Fix errors in documentation of the PPI::Element class hierarchy
	  (RT #30863, 69026) (SJQUINNEY)
	- Prevent PPI::XSAccessor packages from hiding corresponding PPI
	  packages in CPAN (RT #90792) (MITHALDU)
	- Recognize the formfeed character as whitespace (RT #67517) (WYANT)
	- Recognize regex match following 'return' (RT #27475) (ADAMK)
	- Fix missing dereference, length called on reference (RT #40103)
2015-01-06 14:22:20 +00:00

36 lines
1.6 KiB

# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.20 2015/01/06 14:22:20 wen Exp $
CATEGORIES= devel perl5
COMMENT= Perl 5 module to parse, analyze and manipulate Perl (without perl)
# Before update this package, please check $XS_COMPATIBLE in lib/
# If it is greater than version of devel/p5-PPI-XS, p5-PPI-XS should be updated.
DEPENDS+= p5-Clone>=0.30:../../devel/p5-Clone
DEPENDS+= {perl>=5.10,p5-Digest-MD5>=2.35}:../../security/p5-Digest-MD5
DEPENDS+= p5-IO-String>=1.07:../../devel/p5-IO-String
DEPENDS+= p5-List-MoreUtils>=0.16:../../devel/p5-List-MoreUtils
DEPENDS+= p5-Params-Util>=1.00:../../devel/p5-Params-Util
DEPENDS+= {perl>=5.10.1,p5-Scalar-List-Utils>=1.20}:../../devel/p5-Scalar-List-Utils
DEPENDS+= p5-Task-Weaken-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-Task-Weaken
#DEPENDS+= {perl>=5.8,p5-Storable>=2.17}:../../devel/p5-Storable
BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-Class-Inspector>=1.22:../../devel/p5-Class-Inspector
BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-File-Remove>=1.42:../../sysutils/p5-File-Remove
BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-Test-NoWarnings>=0.084:../../devel/p5-Test-NoWarnings
BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-Test-Object>=0.07:../../devel/p5-Test-Object
BUILD_DEPENDS+= {perl>=5.10.1,p5-Test-Simple>=0.86}:../../devel/p5-Test-Simple
BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-Test-SubCalls>=1.07:../../devel/p5-Test-SubCalls
PERL5_PACKLIST= auto/PPI/.packlist
PERL5_MODULE_TYPE= Module::Install::Bundled
.include "../../lang/perl5/"
.include "../../mk/"