1.5.0b3 2010-08-29 12:29 UTC Changelog: - fixed bug #15650: mysqli function used in setCharset() - fixed bug #16003: incorrect check for error after mysql_store_result - fixed bug #16147: first prepared statement is emulated when using factory with mysql - fixed bug #16669: hostspec is ignored when protocol is unix - fixed bug #17037: 'on update' not mentioned in tableInfo() - fixed bug #17065: There is no NEW row in on DELETE trigger (fix error in FK constraint triggers) - fixed bug #17650: lastInsertId can not handle bigint, forces cast to integer [alexpw] - return ON UPDATE|DELETE action in getTableConstraintDefinition() note: - the multi_query test failes because this is not supported by ext/mysql open todo items: - use a trigger to emulate setting default now()
18 lines
508 B
18 lines
508 B
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.6 2010/12/22 15:29:34 taca Exp $
DISTNAME= MDB2_Driver_mysql-1.5.0b3
CATEGORIES= databases
MAINTAINER= pkgsrc-users@NetBSD.org
HOMEPAGE= http://pear.php.net/package/MDB2_Driver_mysql
COMMENT= Mysql MDB2 driver
DEPENDS+= ${PHP_PKG_PREFIX}-mysql-[0-9]*:../../databases/php-mysql
DEPENDS+= ${PHP_PKG_PREFIX}-pear-MDB2>=2.5:../../databases/pear-MDB2
.include "../../lang/php/pear.mk"
.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"