changes is incredibly long as the old version was incredibly historic, if not archaic. Several new object types are supported, and Python code can now be created, apparently.
88 lines
4.3 KiB
88 lines
4.3 KiB
$NetBSD: patch-aa,v 1.2 2008/09/01 12:24:54 tonnerre Exp $
--- Makefile.orig 2008-04-05 10:56:34.000000000 +0200
+++ Makefile
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
# The directory where all the bouml files will be installed, you
# can change it for instance because you don't have root permission
-BOUML_LIB = /usr/lib/bouml
+BOUML_LIB = ${PREFIX}/lib/bouml
# The directory where the bouml shell script will be installed, you
# can change it for instance because you don't have root permission
-BOUML_DIR = /usr/bin
# The directory containing bouml.desktop
# The copy is not done if you comment the definition
-BOUML_DESKTOP_DIR = /usr/share/applications
+BOUML_DESKTOP_DIR = ${PREFIX}/share/applications
# The directories containing the bouml icons are
# <BOUML_ICONS_PREFIX_DIR>/<size>x<size>/apps
# The copy is not done if you comment the definition
-BOUML_ICONS_PREFIX_DIR = /usr/share/icons/hicolor
+BOUML_ICONS_PREFIX_DIR = ${PREFIX}/share/icons/hicolor
# On several Unix systems, the icons used inside the
# menus must be stored inside the pixmaps' directory.
# The copy is done if you uncomment the definition.
-#BOUML_UNIX_PIXMAPS_DIR = /usr/share/pixmaps
+#BOUML_UNIX_PIXMAPS_DIR = ${PREFIX}/share/pixmaps
# for packaging purpose, useless by default
@@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ BOUML_ICONS_PREFIX_DIR = /usr/share/icon
# uncomment if needed
# MAKE = make
SRC_DIRS = src \
src/CppGenerator \
src/CppReverse \
@@ -101,25 +99,25 @@ clean:
for i in $(SRC_DIRS) $(PLUGOUT_DIRS); do if [ -d $$i ]; then (cd $$i ; $(MAKE) clean; rm -f Makefile; ) || exit 1 ; fi; done
- mkdir -p "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_LIB)"
- mkdir -p "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_DIR)"
if test -n "$(BOUML_ICONS_PREFIX_DIR)" ; \
then \
for i in 16 32 48 64; do \
- mkdir -p "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_ICONS_PREFIX_DIR)/$$i"x"$$i/apps"; \
- cp -p bouml.$$i.png "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_ICONS_PREFIX_DIR)/$$i"x"$$i/apps/bouml.png"; \
- cp -p projectControl.$$i.png "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_ICONS_PREFIX_DIR)/$$i"x"$$i/apps/projectControl.png"; \
- cp -p projectSynchro.$$i.png "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_ICONS_PREFIX_DIR)/$$i"x"$$i/apps/projectSynchro.png"; \
+ ${BSD_INSTALL_DATA} bouml.$$i.png "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_ICONS_PREFIX_DIR)/$$i"x"$$i/apps/bouml.png"; \
+ ${BSD_INSTALL_DATA} projectControl.$$i.png "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_ICONS_PREFIX_DIR)/$$i"x"$$i/apps/projectControl.png"; \
+ ${BSD_INSTALL_DATA} projectSynchro.$$i.png "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_ICONS_PREFIX_DIR)/$$i"x"$$i/apps/projectSynchro.png"; \
done; \
if test -n "$(BOUML_UNIX_PIXMAPS_DIR)"; then \
cp -f bouml.48.png "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_UNIX_PIXMAPS_DIR)/bouml.png"; \
cp -f projectControl.48.png "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_UNIX_PIXMAPS_DIR)/projectControl.png"; \
cp -f projectSynchro.48.png "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_UNIX_PIXMAPS_DIR)/projectSynchro.png"; \
- for i in $(PROGS); do cp -p $$i "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_LIB)" ; done
- cd plugouts ; tar cf - empty genpro html rose singleton cpp_utilities xmi xmi2 xmi2import sm_generator usecase_wizard sort uml_projection FileControl deploy GlobalChange | (cd $(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_LIB); tar xf -)
+ for i in $(PROGS); do ${BSD_INSTALL_PROGRAM} $$i "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_LIB)" ; done
+ cd plugouts ; pax -rw -pp -pm empty genpro html rose singleton cpp_utilities xmi xmi2 xmi2import sm_generator usecase_wizard sort uml_projection FileControl deploy GlobalChange $(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_LIB)
echo "#!/bin/sh" >$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_DIR)/bouml
echo "PATH=$(BOUML_LIB):$$"PATH >>$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_DIR)/bouml
echo "export PATH" >>$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_DIR)/bouml
@@ -129,7 +127,8 @@ install:
cd $(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_DIR) ; rm -f projectSynchro ; ln -s $(BOUML_LIB)/projectSynchro
if test -n "$(BOUML_DESKTOP_DIR)" ; \
then \
- mkdir -p "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_DESKTOP_DIR)" ; \
+ \
echo "[Desktop Entry]" > "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_DESKTOP_DIR)/bouml.desktop" ; \
echo "Encoding=UTF-8" >> "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_DESKTOP_DIR)/bouml.desktop" ; \
echo "Name=BOUML" >> "$(DESTDIR)$(BOUML_DESKTOP_DIR)/bouml.desktop" ; \