pkgsrc changes:
- Take MAINTAINERship (discussed via private email with previous MAINTAINER)
- Remove (not so useful) MESSAGE
- Avoid NO_CONFIGURE=yes, also if a package does not provide a configure script
it is not needed and can lead to confusion due the several configure targets
that are removed
- Add several variable to BUILD_DEFS
will respectively set the default user, group and rootdir of geomyidae
- Instead of copypasting several rc scripts write a new one ad-hoc for pkgsrc
that by default will run geomyidae unprivileged honoring the several
GEOMYIDAE_* variables.
If `geomyidae_flags' is defined in rc.conf these defaults are ignored.
- Do not install a LICENSE file (we have the LICENSE variable for it!)
Geomyidae v0.32.2 fixes release
Another fixes release for geomyidae is out. Now hopefully the OpenBSD people
fixed the whole pledge support in geomyidae.
Geomyidae v0.32.1 fixes release
Soon after the v0.32 release I received patches, which I do not want to miss
in mainline.
* Fix and make OpenBSD pledge support better.
* Fix a typo in the slackware init script.
Thanks for all who sent in patches! All further patches are welcome!
Geomyidae v0.32 Release
I am glad to announce the release of geomyidae v0.32. Thanks to all the
contributors and people giving ideas!
Here is what changed:
* Minor fixed in the manpage, CGI handling and tools.
* Add example for tt escaping in the manpage.
* Add nocgi flag, which disables CGI execution.
* Add OpenBSD pledge support.
Geomyidae v0.31.1 release
There has been a geomyidae v0.31.1 release which fixes a major issue of the
pending bytes logic from v0.31.
Have fun!
Geomyidae v0.31 release
I am proud to announce the geomyidae v0.31 release. There were
some major issues fixed, so a new release is necessary:
* There is now gph vim syntax highlighting files in the archive.
* Gopher+ compatibility mode.
* No sockets are left behind anymore.
* New log format of geomyidae is now documented in the manpage.
* There was some ugly bug with curl connecting to a Linux system, where after
close() some bytes were lost. Now some check is added to be sure all data
has been sent to the client. If you want to have bad dreams, look at the
curl sourcecode.
Thanks for everyone contributing!
Geomyidae v0.30 release
What is new?
* The gph format now allows escaping of '|' characters. See the example
index.gph file in the distribution for how to or the manpage.
* Geomyidae has happy helping snowman support to help you with your dynamic
gph content generation in geomyidae. In case you add some spurious tab,
this little guy will appear and inform you about what happened.
* There is now a Links file for links to software related to application
development for geomyidae.
* The gentoo init.d script has been fixed.
* A slackware rc file was added.
* The makefile is now POSIX-compliant.
* The log format has been changed to be easier parsable for all kind of log
analyzers. (`[YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS +ZZZZ|client|clientport|status] selector')
* A flag to not perform reverse lookups in log files has been added.
* Implement some CGI variables for cgi and dcgi. See the manpage for which
ones are available. Here you can see REMOTE_ADDR in action:
Geomyidae 0.29 release
I am happy to announce the 0.29 release of geomyidae, a simple gopher server.
What has been changed:
* the OpenBSD rc.d files have been fixed due to arg.h fixes
* index.bin support added
* Create a file with the raw gopher menu content in a directory and is
served by geomyidae.
* This is useful for scripts generating static gopher content
* This is useful for serving a backup of a gopherhole.
* show errors on fork, in case there are constraints on process resources
* care for send errors
* huge speed up on different platforms when transferring huge binary files
* Linux is using sendfile(2) and TCP_CORK
* FreeBSD and DragonflyBSD are using sendfile(2)
* TCP_NOPUSH is used on all BSDs
* TCP_NODELAY is disabled on nearly all platforms
* other platforms (like OpenBSD) have a speed increase due to an
alignment of the send buffer to blocksize of the socket
I want to thank all contributors! All patches are welcome!
Geomyidae 0.28 release
What's new in geomyidae?
* The parsing of gph files is now more liberal. When you do something wrong,
it will most of the time just display the line.
* DCGI speed was increased massively.
* Error messages are now more useful.
* More files are now handled as text files automatically.
* The OpenBSD rc.d file was fixed to modern days.
* Typos have been fixed.
Geomyidae 0.27 release
I am proud to announce the 0.27 release of geomyidae.
* dramatic improvement of serving speed
* security fixes
* a OpenBSD rc.d file was added
* the manpage has been updated to the current state
* there is no support for index.gph, index.dcgi and index.cgi,
which helps to write more REST-friendly apps
I want to thank all contributors. All patches are welcome!