-Add support of . SCR3310-NTTCom USB (was removed in version 1.4.6) . Inside Secure VaultIC 420 Smart Object . Inside Secure VaultIC 440 Smart Object - Wait up to 3 seconds for reader start up - Add support of new PC/SC V2 part 10 properties: . dwMaxAPDUDataSize . wIdVendor . wIdProduct - Use helper functions from libPCSCv2part10 to parse the PC/SC v2 part 10 features 1.4.7: -Add support of . ACS ACR101 ICC Reader . ACS CryptoMate64 . Alcor Micro AU9522 . Bit4id CKey4 . Bit4id cryptokey . Bit4id iAM . Bit4id miniLector . Bit4id miniLector-s . CCB eSafeLD . Gemalto Ezio Shield Branch . KOBIL Systems IDToken . NXP PR533 - KOBIL Systems IDToken special cases: . Give more time (3 seconds instead of 2) to the reader to answer . Hack for the Kobil IDToken and Geman eID card. The German eID card is bogus and need to be powered off before a power on . Add Reader-Info-Commands special APDU/command - Manufacturer command - Product name command - Firmware version command - Driver version command - Use auto suspend for CCID devices only (Closes Alioth bug [#313445] "Do not activate USB suspend for composite devices: keyboard") - Fix some error management in the T=1 TPDU state machine - some minor bugs removed - some minor improvements added 1.4.6: -Add support of . Avtor SC Reader 371 . Avtor SecureToken . DIGIPASS KEY 202 . Fujitsu SmartCase KB SCR eSIG . Giesecke & Devrient StarSign CUT . Inside Secure VaultIC 460 Smart Object . Macally NFC CCID eNetPad reader . OmniKey 6321 USB . SCM SDI 011 . Teridian TSC12xxF . Vasco DIGIPASS KEY 101 - Remove support of readers without a USB CCID descriptor file . 0x08E6:0x34C1:Gemalto Ezio Shield Secure Channel . 0x08E6:0x34C4:Gemalto Ezio Generic . 0x04E6:0x511A:SCM SCR 3310 NTTCom . 0x0783:0x0008:C3PO LTC32 USBv2 with keyboard support . 0x0783:0x9002:C3PO TLTC2USB . 0x047B:0x020B:Silitek SK-3105 - Disable SPE for HP USB CCID Smartcard Keyboard. The reader is bogus and unsafe. - Convert "&" in a reader name into "&" to fix a problem on Mac OS X - Fix a problem with ICCD type A devices. We now wait for device ready - Secure PIN Verify and PIN Modify: set the minimum timeout to 90 seconds - Add support of wIdVendor and wIdProduct properties - Add support of dwMaxAPDUDataSize - Add support of Gemalto firmware features - some minor bugs removed
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# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.10 2013/01/06 16:10:39 pettai Exp $
DISTNAME= ccid-1.4.8
CATEGORIES= security
MASTER_SITES= http://alioth.debian.org/frs/download.php/3768/
EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.bz2
MAINTAINER= shannonjr@NetBSD.org
HOMEPAGE= http://pcsclite.alioth.debian.org/ccid.html
COMMENT= Middleware to access a smart card using SCard API (PC/SC)
LICENSE= gnu-lgpl-v2.1
.include "../../mk/bsd.prefs.mk"
USE_TOOLS+= pkg-config
USE_TOOLS+= autoconf automake aclocal autoheader
USE_TOOLS+= flex perl
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --sharedstatedir=${VARBASE:Q}
REPLACE_PERL= src/convert_version.pl src/create_Info_plist.pl
INSTALLATION_DIRS+= sbin share/doc/ccid
cd ${WRKSRC} && ${SH} bootstrap
${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/contrib/RSA_SecurID/RSA_SecurID_getpasswd \
${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/contrib/RSA_SecurID/RSA_SecurID_getpasswd.1 \
${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/contrib/Kobil_mIDentity_switch/Kobil_mIDentity_switch \
${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/contrib/Kobil_mIDentity_switch/Kobil_mIDentity_switch.8 \
${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/contrib/Kobil_mIDentity_switch/README_Kobil_mIDentity_switch.txt \
.include "../../security/pcsc-lite/buildlink3.mk"
.include "../../devel/libusb1/buildlink3.mk"
.include "../../mk/pthread.buildlink3.mk"
.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"