1.70 Sat Jan 25 06:44:12 PST 2014
- Minor patch to 1.69, as encoding function is only reliably supported
by Perl newer than v5.8.1.
- Patch internal method openFileWithEncoding(), so that older Perl
version will not give an error.
- Fixed a warning in fromFileGuessOS, introduced in 1.69.
1.69 Tue Jan 14 10:22:19 PST 2014
Fix a minor bug in pivot() related to colToSplitIsStringOrNumeric.
Integer column names are allowed. However, fromFile by default does
not take numeric column names, unless allowNumericHeader is set to
Patch fromFile(), checkHeader(), colIndex(), fromFileIsHeader(), fromFileGetTopLines()
to support numeric column header.
An integer is first interpreted as a column name. Therefore,
accessing a column by its ordinal number may not be possible, if the
number is used as a column name. In such case, first fetch the
corresponding column name and access by name.
Support file encoding methods in fromFile, fromCSV, fromTSV. E.g.,
fromCSV("filename, 1, undef, {encoding=> 'UTF-8'}) UTF-8 is the
default encoding, can be controlled by
$Data::Table::DEFAULTS{ENCODING}. Thanks to questions asked by
Sergio Basto and Thomas Hofmann.
If an integer is passed to colIndex(), it is interpreted as string
first for column lookup. fromFile by default will allow numeric
headers (but not all column headers can be numeric).
support skip_empty in melt();