hubertf a1a2016124 Import chkfontpath-1.9.7: Command line tool to manage X server's font path
This is a simple terminal mode program for configuring the directories
in the X font server's path. It is mostly intended to be used
`internally' by RPM when packages with fonts are added or removed, but
it may be useful as a stand-alone utility in some instances.

XXX hey, *I* didn't make this up... of course xset would have done the
XXX job just well, but now programs (openoffice 1.1.0) want to call this,
XXX what can we do. :(
2003-10-03 18:20:40 +00:00

6 lines
308 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 2003/10/03 18:20:40 hubertf Exp $
SHA1 (chkfontpath-1.9.7-1.src.rpm) = 678c96d1e6e0a0c27397d205b45581055c5db7bc
Size (chkfontpath-1.9.7-1.src.rpm) = 13352 bytes
SHA1 (patch-aa) = fa54e0d9e096b41fa78c010edecfa6fe658fb935
SHA1 (patch-ab) = 209948e625493a769671b17ee2fc2696de42c73d