-Fix transparency of 32 bit client's border (#1178) -Prepare Colors for alpha values (#1180) -Make default colors more transparent and quiet (#1185) -Support true transparency in all decorations (#1186) -Cut holes into frames behind tiled clients (#1187) -'shift' moves between monitors if appropriate (#1198) -Option --replace to replace existing window manager (#1209) -Manage desktop windows in global stack (#1210) -Start --locked from the .desktop file (#1222) -Fix doc/gendoc.py extractor to strip comments (#1229) -Use posix escaping in Completion objects (#1226) -Remember last reported geometry in client directly (#1240) -Always reply to a ConfigureRequest with ConfigureNotify (#1244) -Move 'focus_edge' and 'shift_edge' to GlobalCommands (#1252) -Allow relative values for int and uint attributes (#1253) -Parse --skip-visible in move_index command (#1257) _Make 'cycle' work for the floating layer (#1258) -tox: Switch default Python env to 38 (#1269) -New command 'list_clients' (#1274) -Add client attribute 'floating_geometry' (#1272) -Support error output channel internally (#1278) -Auto-convert attributes to/from python types (#1277) -Remove alpha-value from colors in panel.sh (#1283) -Extend IPC protocol by error channel (#1285) -client: Remove unused methods (#1291) -Test herbstclient -0 --idle (#1294) -Fix exec error message in spawn command (#1304) -Wait passively for hc in test suite ipc server (#1306) -Handle text properties more robustly (#1303) -Test shift/resize up/left and focus cycling (#1308) -Add 'floating_geometry' rule consequence (#1311) -Client alias 'longest-minimized' and 'last-minimized' (#1313) |
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