Version 2.0-1.9001
Minor changes / Bugfixes:
* functions that do not work with sticky classes are now wrapped
(e.g. `anova()`)
Version 2.0-1.9000
Major change: sticky classes!
Now objects of compositional classes do not miss their class
when subsetting. For example, if `x` is an "acomp" object,
x[1:2,] will also be an "acomp" object. Selection of columns work
as well, but it is a bit more tricky. Check ?`[.acomp` for
details. You can get skip this behaviour by setting
setStickyClassOption(FALSE). The dollar notation `$` also works!
* Limited support for using compositions classes as formal S4
classes, for instance in slots of S4 classes expecting a
"data.frame" or a "structure" (matrix or array).
* self-invertibility: now "rmult" objects created by any
transformation (cdt, clr, cpt, idt, ilr, ipt, iit, ilt, alr,
apt) remember the original data and the transformation between
them, and can be back-transformed with `backtransform`.
* added cdt and idt methods for objects of class "factor" (returning
the contrasts and their ipt transformation), and for "data.frame"
objects (exploiting the attribute "origClass" if they have it).
* `pwlr()`: pairwise logratio transformation (and inverse: `pwlrInv()`)
* `pwlrPlot()`: pairwise logratio plots vs covariables, both as explained
and as explanatory variables. This makes use of the ability of plot(x~y)
to react to the nature of `x` and `y` to create scatterplots, boxplots
and spineplots.
* transformation functions between variation and clrvar: variation2clrvar
and clrvar2variation
* `split()` methods for compositional classes
* new panels for filling `pairs()` plots with boxplots, densities,
kde2d-densities, etc...: check ?vp.kde2dplot
Minor Changes:
* the function to fit linear models of coregionalisation is now called
`fit.lmc()`; use full name specification with it! `compositions::fit.lmc()`
* bug in subsetting of one-column rmult object corected