1.54 Sun Feb 10 21:35:02 PST 2008
Modify fromFileGetTopLines method, remove dependency on bytes
bytes::substr causes infinite loop in some older version of perl
1.53 Thu Jan 3 21:13:40 PST 2008
add "use bytes" to Table.pm
Just patched test.pl, because some OS cannot open in-memory file.
1.52 Fri Dec 14 11:48:42 PST 2007
1.51 Wed Dec 12 15:36:22 PST 2007
1. Add a class methods Data::Table::fromFile(file_name), which can
guess the file format and call fromCSV/fromTSV internally.
fromFile relies on the following new methods
fromFileGetTopLines($file_name, $OS, $lineNumber)
to figure out if the input file is from UNIX/PC/MAC, whether its first
row contains column headers, and whether it uses ",", "\t" or ":" as
field delimiters.
It then calls either fromCSV or fromTSV to return the table object.
$t = Data::Table::fromFile("myFileName_CSVorTSV_HeaderOrNoHeader_UNIXorPCorMAC
Please refers to the updated document for details.
2. When fromFile/fromCSV/fromTSV reads from an empty file, it returns
an undef object, rather than quit.
3. Provide more informative error message, when invalid column header is found
4. fixed a bug in 1.51 where fromFileGuessOS failed in Windows
Thanks to patches provided by "whitebell".