rillig 07ac4c5dfd Added YAP-4.4.4.
YAP is a high-performance Prolog compiler developed at
LIACC/Universidade do Porto and at COPPE Sistemas/UFRJ. Its Prolog
engine is based in the WAM (Warren Abstract Machine), with several
optimizations for better performance. YAP follows the Edinburgh
tradition, and is largely compatible with the ISO-Prolog standard and
with Quintus and SICStus Prolog.
2005-07-20 13:08:15 +00:00

5 lines
238 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 2005/07/20 13:08:15 rillig Exp $
SHA1 (Yap-4.4.4.tar.gz) = 3523d3ec7c02fed42aaef41ab36fee8f5c156978
RMD160 (Yap-4.4.4.tar.gz) = 4c570012e75bfabc568a141f80506dba0bd94e5d
Size (Yap-4.4.4.tar.gz) = 2970956 bytes