tech-pkg. Commented out the LICENSE definition, since pkg_admin is very picky about invalid values. Having either "" or "LICENSE" as the value doesn't let you even fetch and extract the distfiles.
447 lines
11 KiB
447 lines
11 KiB
#! @PERL@
# $NetBSD:,v 1.14 2009/07/31 22:27:04 rillig Exp $
use strict;
use warnings;
# Build-time Configuration.
my $make = '@MAKE@';
my $perllibdir = '@PERLLIBDIR@';
use constant true => 1;
use constant false => 0;
# Some helper subroutines.
sub run_editor($$) {
my ($fname, $lineno) = @_;
my $editor = $ENV{"PKGEDITOR"} || $ENV{"EDITOR"} || "vi";
system { $editor } ($editor, "+${lineno}", $fname);
sub get_maintainer() {
sub print_section($$) {
my ($f, $vars) = @_;
if (scalar(@{$vars}) == 0) {
my $width = 0;
foreach my $var (@{$vars}) {
my $len = length($var->[0]);
$width = ($len > $width) ? $len : $width;
foreach my $var (@{$vars}) {
my $len = length($var->[0]) + 1;
my $adjlen = (($width + 1 + 1) + 7) &-8;
my $ntabs = (7 + $adjlen - $len) / 8;
printf $f ("%s=%s%s\n", $var->[0], "\t" x $ntabs, $var->[1]);
printf $f ("\n");
# Introduction to the magic_* subroutines.
# The following routines are called after the distfiles have been
# downloaded and extracted. They may inspect the extracted files
# to automatically define some variables in the package Makefile.
# The following variables may be used in the magic_* subroutines:
# $distname contains the package name, including the version number.
# $abs_wrkdir is an absolute pathname to the working directory, which
# contains the extracted distfiles. $abs_wrksrc is the absolute pathname
# to a subdirectory of $abs_wrkdir, in which you can usually find the
# package-provided Makefiles or configure scripts.
# The following lists may be extended by the magic_* routines and
# will later appear in the package Makefile: @depends and @build_depends
# contain the dependencies of the package, in the form
# "package>=version". @includes is a list of pathnames relative to the
# package path. All these files will be included at the bottom of the
# Makefile. @build_vars is a list of [varname, value] items that contain
# variables that will be defined in the fourth paragraph of the package
# Makefile, where the build configuration takes place. The @extra_vars
# are similar to the @build_vars, but separated by an empty line in the
# Makefile. The @todo items are inserted below the second paragraph in
# the Makefile.
my ($distname, $abs_wrkdir, $abs_wrksrc);
my (@wrksrc_files, @wrksrc_dirs);
my (@depends, @build_depends, @includes, @build_vars, @extra_vars, @todo);
my ($pkgname);
# And now to the real magic_* subroutines.
sub magic_configure() {
my $gnu_configure = false;
open(CONF, "<", "${abs_wrksrc}/configure") or return;
while (defined(my $line = <CONF>)) {
if ($line =~ qr"autoconf|Free Software Foundation"i) {
$gnu_configure = true;
my $varname = ($gnu_configure ? "GNU_CONFIGURE" : "HAS_CONFIGURE");
push(@build_vars, [$varname, "yes"]);
sub magic_gconf2_schemas() {
my @gconf2_files = grep(/schemas(?:\.in.*)$/, @wrksrc_files);
if (@gconf2_files) {
foreach my $f (@gconf2_files) {
if ($f =~ qr"(.*schemas)") {
push(@extra_vars, ["GCONF_SCHEMAS+", $1]);
push(@includes, "../../devel/GConf/");
sub magic_libtool() {
if (-f "${abs_wrksrc}/ltconfig" || -f "${abs_wrksrc}/") {
push(@build_vars, ["USE_LIBTOOL", "yes"]);
if (-d "${abs_wrksrc}/libltdl") {
push(@includes, "../../devel/libltdl/");
sub magic_perlmod() {
if (-f "${abs_wrksrc}/Build.PL") {
# It's a Module::Build module. Dependencies cannot yet be
# extracted automatically.
push(@todo, "Look for the dependencies in Build.PL.");
push(@build_vars, ["PERL5_MODULE_TYPE", "Module::Build"]);
} elsif (-f "${abs_wrksrc}/Makefile.PL") {
open(DEPS, "cd ${abs_wrksrc} && perl -I${perllibdir} Makefile.PL |") or die;
while (defined(my $dep = <DEPS>)) {
if ($dep =~ qr"\.\./\.\./") {
# Many Perl modules write other things to
# stdout, so filter them out.
push(@depends, $dep);
close(DEPS) or die;
} else {
my $packlist = $distname;
$packlist =~ s/-[0-9].*//;
$packlist =~ s/-/\//g;
push(@build_vars, ["PERL5_PACKLIST", "auto/${packlist}/.packlist"]);
push(@includes, "../../lang/perl5/");
$pkgname = "p5-\${DISTNAME}";
sub magic_pkg_config() {
my @pkg_config_files = grep { /\.pc\.in$/ && ! /-uninstalled\.pc\.in$/ } @wrksrc_files;
if (@pkg_config_files) {
push(@build_vars, ["USE_TOOLS+", "pkg-config"]);
foreach my $f (@pkg_config_files) {
push(@extra_vars, ["PKGCONFIG_OVERRIDE+", $f]);
sub magic_po() {
if (grep(/\.g?mo$/, @wrksrc_files)) {
push(@build_vars, ["USE_PKGLOCALEDIR", "yes"]);
sub magic_use_languages() {
my @languages;
grep(/\.(c|xs)$/, @wrksrc_files) and push(@languages, "c");
grep(/\.(cpp|c\+\+|cxx|cc|C)$/, @wrksrc_files) and push(@languages, "c++");
grep(/\.f$/, @wrksrc_files) and push(@languages, "fortran");
my $use_languages = join(" ", @languages);
if ($use_languages eq "") {
$use_languages = "# none";
if ($use_languages ne "c") {
push(@build_vars, ["USE_LANGUAGES", $use_languages]);
# Subroutines for generating the initial package and adjusting it after
# the distfiles have been extracted.
sub generate_initial_package($) {
my ($url) = @_;
my ($found, $master_site);
my ($master_sites, $distfile, $homepage, $dist_sufx, $category);
$found = false;
open(SITES, "<", "../../mk/fetch/") or die;
while (defined(my $line = <SITES>)) {
if ($line =~ qr"^(MASTER_SITE_.*)\+=") {
$master_site = $1;
} elsif ($line =~ qr"^\t(.*?)(?:\s+\\)$") {
my ($site) = ($1);
if (index($url, $site) == 0) {
$found = true;
if ($url =~ qr"^\Q${site}\E(.+)/([^/]+)$") {
my $subdir = $1;
$distfile = $2;
$master_sites = "\${${master_site}:=${subdir}/}";
if ($master_site eq "MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE") {
$homepage = "http://${subdir}";
} elsif ($master_site eq "MASTER_SITE_GNU") {
$homepage = "${subdir}/";
} else {
$homepage = substr($url, 0, -length($distfile));
} else {
$master_sites = "\${${master_site}}";
if (!$found) {
if ($url =~ qr"^http://(?:pr)?downloads\.sourceforge\.net/([^/]*)/([^/?]+)(?:\?(?:download|use_mirror=.*))?$") {
my $pkgbase = $1;
$distfile = $2;
$master_sites = "\${MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE:=${pkgbase}/}";
$homepage = "http://${pkgbase}";
$found = true;
if (!$found) {
if ($url =~ qr"^(.*/)(.*)$") {
($master_sites, $distfile) = ($1, $2);
$homepage = $master_sites;
} else {
die("$0: ERROR: Invalid URL: ${url}\n");
if ($distfile =~ qr"^(.*)(\.tgz|\.tar\.Z|\.tar\.gz|\.tar\.bz2)$") {
($distname, $dist_sufx) = ($1, $2);
} elsif ($distfile =~ qr"^(.*)(\.[^.]+)$") {
($distname, $dist_sufx) = ($1, $2);
} else {
($distname, $dist_sufx) = ($distfile, "# none");
# ignore errors.
rename("Makefile", "Makefile-url2pkg.bak");
`pwd` =~ qr".*/([^/]+)/[^/]+$" or die;
$category = $1;
open(MF, ">", "Makefile") or die;
print MF ("# \$NetBSD" . "\$\n");
print MF ("#\n");
print MF ("\n");
print_section(*MF, [
["DISTNAME", $distname],
["CATEGORIES", $category],
["MASTER_SITES", $master_sites],
($dist_sufx ne ".tar.gz"
? ["EXTRACT_SUFX", $dist_sufx]
: ())
print_section(*MF, [
["MAINTAINER", get_maintainer()],
["HOMEPAGE", $homepage],
["COMMENT", "TODO: Short description of the package"],
["#LICENSE", "# TODO: (see mk/"],
print_section(*MF, [
["PKG_DESTDIR_SUPPORT", "user-destdir"],
print MF ("# url2pkg-marker (please do not remove this line.)\n");
print MF (".include \"../../mk/\"\n");
close(MF) or die;
open(PLIST, ">", "PLIST") or die;
print PLIST ("\@comment \$NetBSD\$\n");
close(PLIST) or die;
open(DI, ">", "distinfo") or die;
close(DI) or die;
open(DESCR, ">", "DESCR") or die;
close(DESCR) or die;
run_editor("Makefile", 5);
print ("url2pkg> Running \"make makesum\" ...\n");
(system { $make } ($make, "makesum")) == 0 or die;
print ("url2pkg> Running \"make extract\" ...\n");
(system { $make } ($make, "extract")) == 0 or die;
sub adjust_package_from_extracted_distfiles()
my ($seen_marker);
chomp($abs_wrkdir = `${make} show-var VARNAME=WRKDIR`);
# Determine the value of WRKSRC.
my @files = ();
opendir(WRKDIR, $abs_wrkdir) or die;
while (defined(my $f = readdir(WRKDIR))) {
next if $f =~ qr"^\.";
push(@files, $f);
if (@files == 1) {
if ($files[0] ne $distname) {
push(@build_vars, ["WRKSRC", "\${WRKDIR}/$files[0]"]);
$abs_wrksrc = "${abs_wrkdir}/$files[0]";
} else {
push(@build_vars, ["WRKSRC", "\${WRKDIR}" .
((@files > 1) ? " # More than one possibility -- please check manually." : "")]);
$abs_wrksrc = $abs_wrkdir;
chomp(@wrksrc_files = `cd "${abs_wrksrc}" && find * -type f`);
chomp(@wrksrc_dirs = `cd "${abs_wrksrc}" && find * -type d`);
print("url2pkg> Adjusting the Makefile.\n");
open(MF1, "<", "Makefile") or die;
open(MF2, ">", "") or die;
# Copy the user-edited part of the Makefile.
while (defined(my $line = <MF1>)) {
if ($line =~ qr"^# url2pkg-marker\b") {
$seen_marker = true;
print MF2 ($line);
# Note: This is not elegant, but works.
if (defined($pkgname) && $line =~ qr"^DISTNAME=(\t+)") {
print MF2 ("PKGNAME=$1${pkgname}\n");
if (@todo) {
foreach my $todo (@todo) {
print MF2 ("# TODO: ${todo}\n");
print MF2 ("\n");
my @depend_vars;
foreach my $bd (@build_depends) {
push(@depend_vars, ["BUILD_DEPENDS+", $bd]);
foreach my $d (@depends) {
push(@depend_vars, ["DEPENDS+", $d]);
print_section(*MF2, \@depend_vars);
print_section(*MF2, \@build_vars);
print_section(*MF2, \@extra_vars);
foreach my $f (@includes) {
print MF2 (".include \"${f}\"\n");
# Copy the rest of the user-edited part of the Makefile.
while (defined(my $line = <MF1>)) {
print MF2 ($line);
close(MF2) or die;
if ($seen_marker) {
rename("", "Makefile") or die;
} else {
die("$0: ERROR: didn't find the url2pkg marker in the file.\n");
sub main() {
my $url;
if (!-f "../../mk/") {
die("$0 must be run from a package directory (.../pkgsrc/category/package).");
my @extract_cookie = <w*/.extract_done>;
if (scalar(@extract_cookie) == 0) {
if (scalar(@ARGV) == 0) {
print("URL: ");
# Pressing Ctrl-D is considered equivalent to
# aborting the process.
if (!defined($url = <STDIN>)) {
print("No URL given -- aborting.\n");
} else {
$url = shift(@ARGV);
} else {
chomp($distname = `${make} show-var VARNAME=DISTNAME`);
print("Remember to correct CATEGORIES, HOMEPAGE, COMMENT, and DESCR when you're done!\n");
print("Good luck! (See pkgsrc/doc/pkgsrc.txt for some more help :-)\n");