taca 3749fb83a4 www/ruby-rails70: update to 7.0.6
Active Support

* Fix EncryptedConfiguration returning incorrect values for some Hash
  methods.  (Hartley McGuire)

* Fix arguments being destructed Enumerable#many? with block.  (Andrew

* Fix humanize for strings ending with id. (fatkodima)

Active Model

* No changes.

Active Record

* Fix autosave associations with validations added on :base of the
  associated objects.  (fatkodima)

* Fix result with anonymous PostgreSQL columns of different type from json.
  (Oleksandr Avoiants)

* Preserve timestamp when setting an ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone value to
  timestamptz attribute.  (fatkodima)

* Fix where on association with has_one/has_many polymorphic relations.


	Treasure.where(price_estimates: PriceEstimate.all)
	#=> SELECT (...) WHERE "treasures"."id" IN (SELECT "price_estimates"."estimate_of_id" FROM "price_estimates")


	Treasure.where(price_estimates: PriceEstimate.all)
	#=> SELECT (...) WHERE "treasures"."id" IN (SELECT "price_estimates"."estimate_of_id" FROM "price_estimates" WHERE "price_estimates"."estimate_of_type" = 'Treasure')

  (Lázaro Nixon)

* Fix decrementing counter caches on optimistically locked record deletion.

* Ensure binary-destined values have binary encoding during type cast.
  (Matthew Draper)

* Preserve existing column default functions when altering table in SQLite.

* Remove table alias added when using where.missing or where.associated.

* Fix Enumerable#in_order_of to only flatten first level to preserve
  nesting.  (Miha Rekar)

Action View

* No changes.

Action Pack

* No changes.

Active Job

* Fix error Active Job passed class with permitted?.  (Alex Baldwin)

Action Mailer

* No changes.

Action Cable

* Fix Action Cable Redis configuration with sentinels.  (Dmitriy Ivliev)

Active Storage

* Fix retrieving rotation value from FFmpeg on version 5.0+.

  In FFmpeg version 5.0+ the rotation value has been removed from tags.
  Instead the value can be found in side_data_list.  Along with this update
  it's possible to have values of -90, -270 to denote the video has been

  (Haroon Ahmed)

Action Mailbox

* No changes.

Action Text

* No changes.


* Avoid escaping paths when editing credentials.  (Jonathan Hefner)
2023-07-09 03:30:32 +00:00
distinfo www/ruby-rails70: update to 7.0.6 2023-07-09 03:30:32 +00:00
Makefile Remove lines for Ruby 2.6. 2022-10-10 03:36:48 +00:00