-Added an option to make desktop items sticky by default. -Allowed the recursive customization of folders. -Prevented closing of file operation dialog on closing the main window. -Keep the custom position of a desktop item on inline renaming. -Added per-folder settings actions to the current tab's context menu. Also, set the tab icon according to the customization, if any. -Added an action to remove settings of nonexistent folders. -Add a new tab on double clicking an empty space of the tab-bar. -Added an option to disable smooth scrolling in list and compact modes. -Disabled tab DND under Wayland (because of Wayland's limitations).
7 lines
525 B
7 lines
525 B
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.9 2021/11/19 09:42:53 pin Exp $
BLAKE2s (pcmanfm-qt-1.0.0.tar.xz) = eee7bc83d782eba4225b61992fb7f72dfce7b3111be862531640cdffd2ab27a5
SHA512 (pcmanfm-qt-1.0.0.tar.xz) = 66f8badf47f32482f880009e24b506ad409ac4a939d4cbc0b6b9adf29874a6d76e5c154e5611329007485fe9c34985be7f67a1ec769ea0e0a107d16d48f2fd7f
Size (pcmanfm-qt-1.0.0.tar.xz) = 317624 bytes
SHA1 (patch-autostart_CMakeLists.txt) = 5dbb1afdfbe9c62132df0674064f436684c87b59
SHA1 (patch-config_CMakeLists.txt) = c3a99b1fc660131d94df4e9daf500dee8e65a7df