- Add LICENSE gnu-gpl-v1 AND gnu-gpl-v2 (upstream) - Update 20040130 to -------------------------- Version 2.1.5 (27/06/2009) Some corrections in the rules Generate an "official" dictionary file for aspell Version 2.1.4 (11/03/2009) Some corrections and additions Corrections: bytes, malveure Version 2.1.3 (02/03/2009) Generate files for aspell Version 2.1.2 (27/10/2008) Information for remote update Version 2.1.1 (19/10/2008) Valencian additions and correction of mistakes Version 2.1.0 (03/06/2008) Created Valencian specific version New entries from AVL dictionary Version 2.0.0 (14/07/2007) Added the entries from the DIEC 2 Correction in rules and several entries Added names of places and other words Version 1.0.3 (16/10/2006) Added names of Valencian places Version 1.0.2 (29/09/2006) Added Valencian combinations of personal pronouns Version 1.0.1 (19/09/2006) Added missing words
19 lines
501 B
19 lines
501 B
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.3 2015/04/12 08:47:30 mef Exp $
DISTNAME= aspell6-ca-2.1.5-1
PKGNAME= ${DISTNAME:S/6-/-/1:S/-1/.1/1}
CATEGORIES= textproc
MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_GNU:=aspell/dict/ca/}
EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.bz2
MAINTAINER= pkgsrc-users@NetBSD.org
HOMEPAGE= http://aspell.net/
COMMENT= Catalan language support for aspell
LICENSE= gnu-gpl-v1 AND gnu-gpl-v2
CONFLICTS+= aspell-catalan-[0-9]*
.include "../../textproc/aspell/buildlink3.mk"
.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"