Changes in version 5.1.1, May 2011: Enabled single-precision floats by default Added single-flonum? Changed eqv? so that inexacts are equivalent only when they have the same precision Changed file-or-directory-permission to add 'bits mode and permission-setting mode Added special treatment of void as an 'inferred-name property Removed the "MrEd" compatability executable under Windows and Mac OS X, but the "mred" compatibility script remains racket/gui: added multi-column support to list-box% racket/gui: added scrollbar support to panel%, vertical-panel%, and horizontal-panel% racket/gui: added 'wheel-left and 'wheel-right events racket/file: add user-read-bit, etc. racket/contract: removed some (undocumented) exports. Changes in version 5.1, February 2011 Renamed "proxy" to "impersonator" Added current-get-interaction-input-port, which enables racket/gui events to be dispatched while a REPL is blocked Changed equal? to equate C pointers when they refer to the same address Internal: weak boxes are cleared before non-will-like finalizers; use late-weak boxes to get the old behavior Changes in version 5.0.2, October 2010 Changed body of `when', `unless', `cond' clauses, `case' clauses, and `match' clauses to be internal-definition contexts Swapped unsafe-vector*-ref with unsafe-vector-ref, etc. Added ->i to the contract library, improved ->*, adding #:pre and #:post, as well as making the optional arguments clause optional. Added #true and #false, and changed #t/#T and #f/#F to require a delimiter afterward Added print-boolean-long-form Added read-accept-lang, which is set to #t when reading a module Added flonum? Changed continuation-marks to accept a #f argument to produce an empty set of marks Added fxvectors Added unsafe-{s,u}16-{ref,set!} Added prop:proxy-of Added proxies to go with chaperones, and renamed chaperone property as proxy property; beware that the word "proxy" will change in a future version, perhaps to "impersonator" Added collection-file-path and collection splicing at the file level |
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