tex-adforn{,-doc} to 1.1b tex-adfsymbols{,-doc} to 1.2b tex-adobemapping to 2020 tex-alegreya{,-doc} to 2020 tex-baskervaldx{,-doc} to 1.073 tex-cabin{,-doc} to 2020 tex-ccfonts{,-doc} to 1.2 tex-cinzel{,-doc} to 2020 tex-clearsans{,-doc} to 2020 tex-countriesofeurope{,-doc} to 0.23 tex-ebgaramond{,-doc} to 2020 tex-ebgaramond-maths{,-doc} to 1.2 tex-erewhon{,-doc} to 1.104 tex-esint{,-doc} to 1.2d tex-fira{,-doc} to 4.3.54512 tex-fontinst{,-doc} to 1.933.53562 tex-fontname{,-doc} to 2020 tex-fontools{,-doc} to 2020 tex-fontspec{,-doc} to 2.7i tex-fourier{,-doc} to 2.2 tex-ipaex{,-doc} to 2020 tex-junicode{,-doc} to 1.0.2 tex-libertine{,-doc} to tex-librecaslon{,-doc} to 2020 tex-luaotfload{,-doc} to 3.12 tex-mathalpha{,-doc} to 1.13 tex-mathpazo{,-doc} to 1.003.52663 tex-merriweather{,-doc} to 2020 tex-newpx{,-doc} to 1.410 tex-newtx{,-doc} to 1.625 tex-newtxtt{,-doc} to 1.056 tex-oldstandard{,-doc} to 2.5 tex-overlock{,-doc} to 2020 tex-playfair{,-doc} to 2020 tex-psnfss{,-doc} to 9.3 tex-pxtxalfa{,-doc} to 1.54080 tex-quattrocento{,-doc} to 2020 tex-roboto{,-doc} to 2020 tex-sansmathaccent{,-doc} to 2020 tex-skull to 0.1.51907 tex-superiors{,-doc} to 1.06 tex-txfontsb{,-doc} to 1.1.1 tex-universa{,-doc} to 2.1 tex-wasy{,-doc} to 2.5 tex-wasysym{,-doc} to 2.4 tex-xcharter{,-doc} to 1.205 tex-xits{,-doc} to 1.301 tex-wasy-type1 to 001.002
9 lines
535 B
9 lines
535 B
Fourier-GUTenberg is a LaTeX typesetting system which uses
Adobe Utopia as its standard base font. Fourier-GUTenberg
provides all complementary typefaces needed to allow Utopia
based TeX typesetting, including an extensive mathematics set
and several other symbols. The system is absolutely
stand-alone: apart from Utopia and Fourier, no other typefaces
are required. The fourier fonts will also work with Adobe
Utopia Expert fonts, which are only available for purchase.
Utopia is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated