does, so rearrange the arguments so that "-f -" is always at the end. noted by krister@. while I'm here, make sure we use the same tar(1) program pkgsrc does.
515 lines
12 KiB
515 lines
12 KiB
# $NetBSD: post-build,v 1.36 2004/02/25 09:05:40 grant Exp $
# Collect stuff after a pkg bulk build
# (c) 2000 Hubert Feyrer, All Rights Reserved.
use File::Basename;
use POSIX ();
# Where config vars are stored (/bin/sh syntax)
if (-f $ENV{"BULK_BUILD_CONF"}) {
} else {
# Dig given variable out of config file, and set it
sub getconf {
chomp($val=`. ./$BULK_BUILD_CONF ; echo \$$var`);
eval "\$$var=\"$val\";";
getconf("ADMINSIG"); # "-Your Name"
getconf("FTPURL"); # "pub/NetBSD/pkgstat/`date +%Y%m%d.%H%M`"
getconf("FTP"); # "/disk1/ftp/${FTPURL}"
getconf("FTPHOST"); #
getconf("REPORT"); # "broken.html"
getconf("USR_PKGSRC"); # "/usr/pkgsrc"
getconf("osrev"); # `uname -r`
getconf("arch"); # `uname -m`
chomp($os=`uname -s`);
# extract the name of the files used for the build log and broken build log.
# these have defaults set by and may be overridden in /etc/mk.conf
chomp($BROKENFILE=`( cd $USR_PKGSRC/pkgtools/pkglint ; $ENV{"BMAKE"} show-var VARNAME=BROKENFILE )`);
# also extract the names of the cache files used during the bulk build. We'll save a copy of
# those to help debug if the build messed up.
chomp($DEPENDSTREEFILE=`( cd $USR_PKGSRC/pkgtools/pkglint ; $ENV{"BMAKE"} show-var VARNAME=DEPENDSTREEFILE )`);
chomp($DEPENDSFILE=`( cd $USR_PKGSRC/pkgtools/pkglint ; $ENV{"BMAKE"} show-var VARNAME=DEPENDSFILE )`);
chomp($SUPPORTSFILE=`( cd $USR_PKGSRC/pkgtools/pkglint ; $ENV{"BMAKE"} show-var VARNAME=SUPPORTSFILE )`);
chomp($INDEXFILE=`( cd $USR_PKGSRC/pkgtools/pkglint ; $ENV{"BMAKE"} show-var VARNAME=INDEXFILE )`);
chomp($ORDERFILE=`( cd $USR_PKGSRC/pkgtools/pkglint ; $ENV{"BMAKE"} show-var VARNAME=ORDERFILE )`);
chomp($STARTFILE=`( cd $USR_PKGSRC/pkgtools/pkglint ; $ENV{"BMAKE"} show-var VARNAME=STARTFILE )`);
chomp($LOCALBASE=`( cd $USR_PKGSRC/pkgtools/pkglint ; $ENV{"BMAKE"} show-var VARNAME=LOCALBASE )`);
chomp($X11BASE=`( cd $USR_PKGSRC/pkgtools/pkglint ; $ENV{"BMAKE"} show-var VARNAME=X11BASE )`);
chomp($FIND=`( cd $USR_PKGSRC/pkgtools/pkglint ; $ENV{"BMAKE"} show-var VARNAME=FIND )`);
chomp($GTAR=`( cd $USR_PKGSRC/pkgtools/pkglint ; $ENV{"BMAKE"} show-var VARNAME=GTAR )`);
$startdate = (stat($STARTFILE))[9];
if ($startdate == 0) {
$startdate = "unknown";
} else {
local $ENV{TZ} = "UTC";
$startdate = POSIX::strftime("%c %Z", gmtime($startdate));
$enddate = POSIX::strftime("%c %Z", gmtime(time()));
$report_head = <<EOF;
Package Breaks Last commit Maintainer
$report_form = <<EOF;
@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
$pkg $nbrokenby $who $maintainer
system("mkdir -p ${FTP}");
# Copy over the output from the build process
system("find . -name $BROKENFILE -print | $GTAR -T - -plcf - | (cd $FTP; $GTAR -plxf -)");
# Copy over the cache files used during the build
system("cp ${f} ${FTP}") if -f ${f};
# Adjust "last" symlink
local($base, $dir) = $FTP=~m|^(.*)/([^/]*)$|;
symlink($dir, "$base/last");
# Generate leftovers-${arch}.html: files not deleted
# Leftover files are copied to leftovers-${arch} dir, and linked from
# leftovers-${arch}.html
system("mkdir -p leftovers-${arch}");
# Find files since last build:
$leftovers_txt = "leftovers-${arch}.txt";
$leftovers_html = "leftovers-${arch}.html";
system("${FIND} ${LOCALBASE} -newer ${USR_PKGSRC}/${startfile} -type f -print >>$leftovers_txt");
system("${FIND} ${X11BASE} -newer ${USR_PKGSRC}/${startfile} -type f -print >>$leftovers_txt");
# Strip perl-files:
local $/;
undef $/;
$perlfiles = `pkg_info -qL perl`;
($perlfiles_pattern = $perlfiles) =~ s/\n/|/g;
$perlfiles_pattern =~ s/|$//;
open (LEFT, $leftovers_txt) or die "can't read $leftovers_txt: $!";
@left = <LEFT>;
close (LEFT);
@leftovers = grep(!/^(${perlfiles_pattern})$/, @left);
open (LEFT, ">$leftovers_txt") or die "can't write $leftovers_txt: $!";
print LEFT @leftovers;
close (LEFT);
if (scalar(@leftovers)) {
# Store leftovers, for easier identification:
system("$GTAR -T $leftovers_txt -plcf - | (cd leftovers-${arch}; $GTAR -plxf -)");
# Add links to leftover list:
open (OUT, "> $leftovers_html")
or die "can't write $leftovers_html";
print OUT <<EOOUT;
foreach (@leftovers) {
print OUT "<a href=\"${FTPHOST}/${FTPURL}/leftovers-${arch}$_\">$_</a>\n";
print OUT <<EOOUT2;
# print the result of a single broken package
sub pkgResult {
my ($pinfo, $state) = @_;
my $pkg = $pinfo->{pkg};
my $nbrokenby = $pinfo->{nbrokenby};
my $nerrors = $pinfo->{nerrors};
@idents = `${FIND} ${USR_PKGSRC}/${pkg} -type f -print | xargs grep \\\$NetBSD`;
$datetime = "";
$who = "nobody";
$file = "";
$ver = "";
foreach $ident (@idents) {
$ident =~ /\$[N]etBSD: ([^ ]*),v ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) Exp \$/;
if ("$3 $4" gt $datetime) {
$datetime = "$3 $4";
$who = $5;
$file = $1;
$ver = $1;
$maintainer = `grep ^MAINTAINER $USR_PKGSRC/$pkg/Makefile`;
$maintainer =~ s/MAINTAINER=[ \t]*//;
$maintainer =~ s/</</g;
$maintainer =~ s/>/>/g;
(my $state_style = $state) =~ s/ //g;
$nbrokenby_html = '<td> </td>';
$nbrokenby_html =
'<td align="right" class="pkg-'.$state_style.'">'.$nbrokenby.'</td>'
if $nbrokenby > 0;
if ($pinfo->{nerrors} != 0 && $verbose) {
print swrite($report_form, $pkg, $nbrokenby > 0 ? $nbrokenby : "", $who, $maintainer);
return <<EOHTML;
<td><a class="pkg-$state_style" href="$pinfo->{bf}" title="build log for $pkg">$pkg</a></td>
# write the build report
sub writeReport {
my $broken = getBroken();
$nbroken = scalar(@{$broken->{"broken"}});
$nbrokendep = scalar(@{$broken->{"broken depends"}});
$nunpackaged = scalar(@{$broken->{"not packaged"}});
$nbrokentot = $nbroken + $nbrokendep;
$ntotal = $nunpackaged + $nbroken + $nbrokendep;
# determine the number of packages attempted, and then successful
open(ORDER, $ordfile) || die "can't open $ordfile: $!";
my @order = <ORDER>;
my $nattempted = scalar(@order);
my $nsuccessful = $nattempted - $ntotal;
if ($verbose) {
print <<EOF;
pkgsrc bulk build results
$os $osrev/$arch
my $summary_form = <<EOF;
@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
print swrite($summary_form, "Build started:", $startdate);
print swrite($summary_form, "Build ended:", $enddate);
print swrite($summary_form);
print swrite($summary_form, "Successfully packaged:", $nsuccessful);
print swrite($summary_form, "Packages really broken:", $nbroken);
print swrite($summary_form, "Pkgs broken due to them:", $nbrokendep);
print swrite($summary_form, "Total broken:", $nbrokentot);
print swrite($summary_form, "Not packaged:", $nunpackaged);
print swrite($summary_form, "Total:", $ntotal);
print <<EOF;
Packages not listed here resulted in a binary package. The build
report, including logs of failed/not-packaged is available from:
open(HTML,">$REPORT") or die "Can't write $REPORT: $!\n";
print HTML <<EOHTML;
<title>$os $osrev/$arch bulk package build</title>
<style type="text/css">
body {
Font-Family: Tahoma, Verdana, sans-serif;
Line-Height: 1.3em;
Text-Decoration: None;
Color: black;
Background-Color: white;
Border-Width: 0;
table {
Border-Width: 0;
table td {
Font-Family: Tahoma, Verdana, sans-serif;
line-height: 1em;
a:link {
Color: #3535c5;
a:visited {
Color: #700080;
a:hover {
Color: #6565e5;
Text-Decoration: underline;
tr {
Vertical-Align: top;
td {
Vertical-Align: top;
h1 {
Font-Size: 3.5ex;
Line-Height: 1em;
Color: #000066;
h2 {
Font-Size: 2.5ex;
Line-Height: 1em;
Color: #660000;
h3 {
Font-Size: 2ex;
Color: #660066;
h4 {
Font-Size: 1.8ex;
Color: #006600;
tt.filename {
Line-Height: 1.3em;
Color: #AA0000;
.pkgname {
Font-Family: Arial, Helvetica, Courier, fixed;
Font-Style: Italic;
Text-Decoration: none;
Line-Height: 1.3em;
.pkg-broken {
Color: red;
.pkg-brokendepends {
Color: orange;
.pkg-notpackaged {
Color: blue;
<body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#3535c5" vlink="#700080"
<h1>pkgsrc bulk build results</h1>
<h2>$os $osrev/$arch</h2>
<td>Build started: <td align="right">$startdate</td>
<td>Build ended: <td align="right">$enddate</td>
<td> </td> <td> </td>
<td>Successfully packaged:</td> <td align="right">$nsuccessful</td>
<tr class="pkg-broken">
<td>Packages really broken:</td> <td align="right">$nbroken</td>
<tr class="pkg-brokendepends">
<td>Packages broken due to them:</td> <td align="right">$nbrokendep</td>
<td>Total broken:</td> <td align="right">$nbrokentot</td>
<tr class="pkg-notpackaged">
<td>Not packaged:</td> <td align="right">$nunpackaged</td>
<td>Total:</td> <td align="right">$ntotal</td>
Packages not listed here resulted in a <a
href="../../packages/" title="binary packages for $os $osrev/$arch">binary
package</a>. Results of failed packages are available below.
Files leftover from the build (because of broken PLISTs, etc.) can be
found in <a href="leftovers-${arch}.html" title="leftover files">this
my %state_head = (
"broken" => "Broken packages",
"broken depends" => "Broken dependencies",
"not packaged" => "Not packaged"
foreach my $state ("broken", "broken depends", "not packaged") {
next unless scalar(@{$broken->{$state}});
print HTML <<EOHTML;
<table width="100%">
<tr align="left">
<th width="30%">Package</th>
<th>Last commit by</th>
<th>File touched last</th>
if ($verbose && $state ne "not packaged") {
print "\n\n$state_head{$state}\n\n";
print $report_head;
foreach my $pinfo (@{$broken->{$state}}) {
print HTML pkgResult($pinfo, $state);
print HTML "</table>\n";
print HTML <<EOHTML;
The following cache files were used during the build:
<li>The <a href="$dtfile">depends tree file</a>.</li>
<li>The <a href="$depfile">depends file</a>.</li>
<li>The <a href="$supfile">supports file</a>.</li>
<li>The <a href="$indfile">index file</a>.</li>
<li>The <a href="$ordfile">build order file</a>.</li>
<!-- <li>View the <a href="$prog">progress</a> of the build. -->
<!-- <li>See the list of <a href="../index.html">all log files</a>. -->
<li>Visit the <a href="">NetBSD web site</a>.
<li>Learn more about
<a href="">
The NetBSD Packages Collection</a>.
if ($verbose) {
print "\n\n$ADMINSIG\n\n";
print "[* This message was created automatically! *]\n";
# get and sort the broken packages
sub getBroken {
open (BF, $BROKENFILE) or die "can't open $BROKENFILE: $!";
my @in = <BF>;
close (BF);
my $res = {};
foreach (@in) {
my ($nerrors, $bf, $nbrokenby) = split;
(my $pkg = $bf) =~ s,/$BROKENFILE,,;
my %tmp = (
bf => $bf,
pkg => $pkg,
nbrokenby => $nbrokenby,
nerrors => $nerrors,
if ($nerrors > 0) {
push(@{$res->{"broken"}}, \%tmp);
} elsif ($nerrors == -1) {
push(@{$res->{"broken depends"}}, \%tmp);
} else {
push(@{$res->{"not packaged"}}, \%tmp);
# sort pkgs in each state
foreach my $state ("broken", "broken depends", "not packaged") {
$res->{$state} = [ sort { $a->{pkg} cmp $b->{pkg} } @{$res->{$state}} ];
return $res;
sub swrite {
my $format = shift;
$^A = "";
formline($format, @_);
$^A =~ s/\n\n/\n/;
return $^A;