adam f83e570f11 py-xarray: updated to 0.20.1
v0.20.1 (5 November 2021)

This is a bugfix release to fix :issue:`5930`.

Bug fixes
- Fix a regression in the detection of the backend entrypoints (:issue:`5930`, :pull:`5931`)
  By `Justus Magin <>`_.


- Significant improvements to  :ref:`api`. By `Deepak Cherian <>`_.

.. _whats-new.0.20.0:

v0.20.0 (1 November 2021)

This release brings improved support for pint arrays, methods for weighted standard deviation, variance,
and sum of squares, the option to disable the use of the bottleneck library, significantly improved performance of
unstack, as well as many bugfixes and internal changes.

Many thanks to the 40 contributors to this release!:

Aaron Spring, Akio Taniguchi, Alan D. Snow, arfy slowy, Benoit Bovy, Christian Jauvin, crusaderky, Deepak Cherian,
Giacomo Caria, Illviljan, James Bourbeau, Joe Hamman, Joseph K Aicher, Julien Herzen, Kai Mühlbauer,
keewis, lusewell, Martin K. Scherer, Mathias Hauser, Max Grover, Maxime Liquet, Maximilian Roos, Mike Taves, Nathan Lis,
pmav99, Pushkar Kopparla, Ray Bell, Rio McMahon, Scott Staniewicz, Spencer Clark, Stefan Bender, Taher Chegini,
Thomas Nicholas, Tomas Chor, Tom Augspurger, Victor Negîrneac, Zachary Blackwood, Zachary Moon, and Zeb Nicholls.

New Features
- Add ``std``, ``var``,  ``sum_of_squares`` to :py:class:`~core.weighted.DatasetWeighted` and :py:class:`~core.weighted.DataArrayWeighted`.
  By `Christian Jauvin <>`_.
- Added a :py:func:`get_options` method to xarray's root namespace (:issue:`5698`, :pull:`5716`)
  By `Pushkar Kopparla <>`_.
- Xarray now does a better job rendering variable names that are long LaTeX sequences when plotting (:issue:`5681`, :pull:`5682`).
  By `Tomas Chor <>`_.
- Add an option (``"use_bottleneck"``) to disable the use of ``bottleneck`` using :py:func:`set_options` (:pull:`5560`)
  By `Justus Magin <>`_.
- Added ``**kwargs`` argument to :py:meth:`open_rasterio` to access overviews (:issue:`3269`).
  By `Pushkar Kopparla <>`_.
- Added ``storage_options`` argument to :py:meth:`to_zarr` (:issue:`5601`, :pull:`5615`).
  By `Ray Bell <>`_, `Zachary Blackwood <>`_ and
  `Nathan Lis <>`_.
- Histogram plots are set with a title displaying the scalar coords if any, similarly to the other plots (:issue:`5791`, :pull:`5792`).
  By `Maxime Liquet <>`_.
- Slice plots display the coords units in the same way as x/y/colorbar labels (:pull:`5847`).
  By `Victor Negîrneac <>`_.
- Added a new :py:attr:`Dataset.chunksizes`, :py:attr:`DataArray.chunksizes`, and :py:attr:`Variable.chunksizes`
  property, which will always return a mapping from dimension names to chunking pattern along that dimension,
  regardless of whether the object is a Dataset, DataArray, or Variable. (:issue:`5846`, :pull:`5900`)
  By `Tom Nicholas <>`_.

Breaking changes
- The minimum versions of some dependencies were changed:

  =============== ====== ====
  Package         Old    New
  =============== ====== ====
  cftime          1.1    1.2
  dask            2.15   2.30
  distributed     2.15   2.30
  lxml            4.5    4.6
  matplotlib-base 3.2    3.3
  numba           0.49   0.51
  numpy           1.17   1.18
  pandas          1.0    1.1
  pint            0.15   0.16
  scipy           1.4    1.5
  seaborn         0.10   0.11
  sparse          0.8    0.11
  toolz           0.10   0.11
  zarr            2.4    2.5
  =============== ====== ====

- The ``__repr__`` of a :py:class:`xarray.Dataset`'s ``coords`` and ``data_vars``
  ignore ``xarray.set_option(display_max_rows=...)`` and show the full output
  when called directly as, e.g., ``ds.data_vars`` or ``print(ds.data_vars)``
  (:issue:`5545`, :pull:`5580`).
  By `Stefan Bender <>`_.


- Deprecate :py:func:`open_rasterio` (:issue:`4697`, :pull:`5808`).
  By `Alan Snow <>`_.
- Set the default argument for `roll_coords` to `False` for :py:meth:`DataArray.roll`
  and :py:meth:`Dataset.roll`. (:pull:`5653`)
  By `Tom Nicholas <>`_.
- :py:meth:`xarray.open_mfdataset` will now error instead of warn when a value for ``concat_dim`` is
  passed alongside ``combine='by_coords'``.
  By `Tom Nicholas <>`_.

Bug fixes

- Fix ZeroDivisionError from saving dask array with empty dimension (:issue: `5741`).
  By `Joseph K Aicher <>`_.
- Fixed performance bug where ``cftime`` import attempted within various core operations if ``cftime`` not
  installed (:pull:`5640`).
  By `Luke Sewell <>`_
- Fixed bug when combining named DataArrays using :py:func:`combine_by_coords`. (:pull:`5834`).
  By `Tom Nicholas <>`_.
- When a custom engine was used in :py:func:`~xarray.open_dataset` the engine
  wasn't initialized properly, causing missing argument errors or inconsistent
  method signatures. (:pull:`5684`)
  By `Jimmy Westling <>`_.
- Numbers are properly formatted in a plot's title (:issue:`5788`, :pull:`5789`).
  By `Maxime Liquet <>`_.
- Faceted plots will no longer raise a `pint.UnitStrippedWarning` when a `pint.Quantity` array is plotted,
  and will correctly display the units of the data in the colorbar (if there is one) (:pull:`5886`).
  By `Tom Nicholas <>`_.
- With backends, check for path-like objects rather than ``pathlib.Path``
  type, use ``os.fspath`` (:pull:`5879`).
  By `Mike Taves <>`_.
- ``open_mfdataset()`` now accepts a single ``pathlib.Path`` object (:issue: `5881`).
  By `Panos Mavrogiorgos <>`_.
- Improved performance of :py:meth:`Dataset.unstack` (:pull:`5906`). By `Tom Augspurger <>`_.


- Users are instructed to try ``use_cftime=True`` if a ``TypeError`` occurs when combining datasets and one of the types involved is a subclass of ``cftime.datetime`` (:pull:`5776`).
  By `Zeb Nicholls <>`_.
- A clearer error is now raised if a user attempts to assign a Dataset to a single key of
  another Dataset. (:pull:`5839`)
  By `Tom Nicholas <>`_.

Internal Changes

- Explicit indexes refactor: avoid ``len(index)`` in ``map_blocks`` (:pull:`5670`).
  By `Deepak Cherian <>`_.
- Explicit indexes refactor: decouple ``xarray.Index``` from ``xarray.Variable`` (:pull:`5636`).
  By `Benoit Bovy <>`_.
- Fix ``Mapping`` argument typing to allow mypy to pass on ``str`` keys (:pull:`5690`).
  By `Maximilian Roos <>`_.
- Annotate many of our tests, and fix some of the resulting typing errors. This will
  also mean our typing annotations are tested as part of CI. (:pull:`5728`).
  By `Maximilian Roos <>`_.
- Improve the performance of reprs for large datasets or dataarrays. (:pull:`5661`)
  By `Jimmy Westling <>`_.
- Use isort's `float_to_top` config. (:pull:`5695`).
  By `Maximilian Roos <>`_.
- Remove use of the deprecated ``kind`` argument in
  :py:meth:`pandas.Index.get_slice_bound` inside :py:class:`xarray.CFTimeIndex`
  tests (:pull:`5723`).  By `Spencer Clark <>`_.
- Refactor `xarray.core.duck_array_ops` to no longer special-case dispatching to
  dask versions of functions when acting on dask arrays, instead relying numpy
  and dask's adherence to NEP-18 to dispatch automatically. (:pull:`5571`)
  By `Tom Nicholas <>`_.
- Add an ASV benchmark CI and improve performance of the benchmarks (:pull:`5796`)
  By `Jimmy Westling <>`_.
- Use ``importlib`` to replace functionality of ``pkg_resources`` such
  as version setting and loading of resources. (:pull:`5845`).
  By `Martin K. Scherer <>`_.

.. _whats-new.0.19.0:

v0.19.0 (23 July 2021)

This release brings improvements to plotting of categorical data, the ability to specify how attributes
are combined in xarray operations, a new high-level :py:func:`unify_chunks` function, as well as various
deprecations, bug fixes, and minor improvements.

Many thanks to the 29 contributors to this release!:

Andrew Williams, Augustus, Aureliana Barghini, Benoit Bovy, crusaderky, Deepak Cherian, ellesmith88,
Elliott Sales de Andrade, Giacomo Caria, github-actions[bot], Illviljan, Joeperdefloep, joooeey, Julia Kent,
Julius Busecke, keewis, Mathias Hauser, Matthias Göbel, Mattia Almansi, Maximilian Roos, Peter Andreas Entschev,
Ray Bell, Sander, Santiago Soler, Sebastian, Spencer Clark, Stephan Hoyer, Thomas Hirtz, Thomas Nicholas.

New Features
- Allow passing argument ``missing_dims`` to :py:meth:`Variable.transpose` and :py:meth:`Dataset.transpose`
  (:issue:`5550`, :pull:`5586`)
  By `Giacomo Caria <>`_.
- Allow passing a dictionary as coords to a :py:class:`DataArray` (:issue:`5527`,
  reverts :pull:`1539`, which had deprecated this due to python's inconsistent ordering in earlier versions).
  By `Sander van Rijn <>`_.
- Added :py:meth:`Dataset.coarsen.construct`, :py:meth:`DataArray.coarsen.construct` (:issue:`5454`, :pull:`5475`).
  By `Deepak Cherian <>`_.
- Xarray now uses consolidated metadata by default when writing and reading Zarr
  stores (:issue:`5251`).
  By `Stephan Hoyer <>`_.
- New top-level function :py:func:`unify_chunks`.
  By `Mattia Almansi <>`_.
- Allow assigning values to a subset of a dataset using positional or label-based
  indexing (:issue:`3015`, :pull:`5362`).
  By `Matthias Göbel <>`_.
- Attempting to reduce a weighted object over missing dimensions now raises an error (:pull:`5362`).
  By `Mattia Almansi <>`_.
- Add ``.sum`` to :py:meth:`~xarray.DataArray.rolling_exp` and
  :py:meth:`~xarray.Dataset.rolling_exp` for exponentially weighted rolling
  sums. These require numbagg 0.2.1;
  By `Maximilian Roos <>`_.
- :py:func:`xarray.cov` and :py:func:`xarray.corr` now lazily check for missing
  values if inputs are dask arrays (:issue:`4804`, :pull:`5284`).
  By `Andrew Williams <>`_.
- Attempting to ``concat`` list of elements that are not all ``Dataset`` or all ``DataArray`` now raises an error (:issue:`5051`, :pull:`5425`).
  By `Thomas Hirtz <>`_.
- allow passing a function to ``combine_attrs`` (:pull:`4896`).
  By `Justus Magin <>`_.
- Allow plotting categorical data (:pull:`5464`).
  By `Jimmy Westling <>`_.
- Allow removal of the coordinate attribute ``coordinates`` on variables by setting ``.attrs['coordinates']= None``
  By `Elle Smith <>`_.
- Added :py:meth:`DataArray.to_numpy`, :py:meth:`DataArray.as_numpy`, and :py:meth:`Dataset.as_numpy`. (:pull:`5568`).
  By `Tom Nicholas <>`_.
- Units in plot labels are now automatically inferred from wrapped :py:meth:`pint.Quantity` arrays. (:pull:`5561`).
  By `Tom Nicholas <>`_.

Breaking changes

- The default ``mode`` for :py:meth:`Dataset.to_zarr` when ``region`` is set
  has changed to the new ``mode="r+"``, which only allows for overriding
  pre-existing array values. This is a safer default than the prior ``mode="a"``,
  and allows for higher performance writes (:pull:`5252`).
  By `Stephan Hoyer <>`_.
- The main parameter to :py:func:`combine_by_coords` is renamed to `data_objects` instead
  of `datasets` so anyone calling this method using a named parameter will need to update
  the name accordingly (:issue:`3248`, :pull:`4696`).
  By `Augustus Ijams <>`_.


- Removed the deprecated ``dim`` kwarg to :py:func:`DataArray.integrate` (:pull:`5630`)
- Removed the deprecated ``keep_attrs`` kwarg to :py:func:`DataArray.rolling` (:pull:`5630`)
- Removed the deprecated ``keep_attrs`` kwarg to :py:func:`DataArray.coarsen` (:pull:`5630`)
- Completed deprecation of passing an ``xarray.DataArray`` to :py:func:`Variable` - will now raise a ``TypeError`` (:pull:`5630`)

Bug fixes
- Fix a minor incompatibility between partial datetime string indexing with a
  :py:class:`CFTimeIndex` and upcoming pandas version 1.3.0 (:issue:`5356`,
  By `Spencer Clark <>`_.
- Fix 1-level multi-index incorrectly converted to single index (:issue:`5384`,
  By `Benoit Bovy <>`_.
- Don't cast a duck array in a coordinate to :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` in
  :py:meth:`DataArray.differentiate` (:pull:`5408`)
  By `Justus Magin <>`_.
- Fix the ``repr`` of :py:class:`Variable` objects with ``display_expand_data=True``
  By `Justus Magin <>`_.
- Plotting a pcolormesh with ``xscale="log"`` and/or ``yscale="log"`` works as
  expected after improving the way the interval breaks are generated (:issue:`5333`).
  By `Santiago Soler <>`_
- :py:func:`combine_by_coords` can now handle combining a list of unnamed
  ``DataArray`` as input (:issue:`3248`, :pull:`4696`).
  By `Augustus Ijams <>`_.

Internal Changes
- Run CI on the first & last python versions supported only; currently 3.7 & 3.9.
  By `Maximilian Roos <>`_.
- Publish test results & timings on each PR.
  By `Maximilian Roos <>`_.
- Explicit indexes refactor: add a ``xarray.Index.query()`` method in which
  one may eventually provide a custom implementation of label-based data
  selection (not ready yet for public use). Also refactor the internal,
  pandas-specific implementation into ``PandasIndex.query()`` and
  ``PandasMultiIndex.query()`` (:pull:`5322`).
  By `Benoit Bovy <>`_.
2021-11-23 21:45:35 +00:00
distinfo py-xarray: updated to 0.20.1 2021-11-23 21:45:35 +00:00
Makefile py-xarray: updated to 0.20.1 2021-11-23 21:45:35 +00:00
PLIST py-xarray: updated to 0.20.1 2021-11-23 21:45:35 +00:00