
137 lines
3.9 KiB

# $NetBSD:,v 1.8 2007/10/16 21:33:00 wiz Exp $
# This file contains some targets that print information gathered from
# variables. They do not modify any variables.
# show-tools:
# Emits a /bin/sh shell script that defines all known tools
# to the values they have in the pkgsrc infrastructure.
show-tools: .PHONY
.for t in ${_USE_TOOLS}
. if defined(_TOOLS_VARNAME.${t})
@${ECHO} ${_TOOLS_VARNAME.${t}:Q}=${${_TOOLS_VARNAME.${t}}:Q:Q}
. endif
# show-build-defs:
# Prints the variables that can be configured by the pkgsrc user
# in mk.conf, and the effects that those settings have.
BUILD_DEFS?= # none
.if !empty(PKGSRC_SHOW_BUILD_DEFS:M[yY][eE][sS])
pre-depends-hook: show-build-defs
show-build-defs: .PHONY
.if !empty(BUILD_DEFS:M*)
@${ECHO} "=========================================================================="
@${ECHO} "The following variables will affect the build process of this package,"
@${ECHO} "${PKGNAME}. Their current value is shown below:"
@${ECHO} ""
. for var in ${BUILD_DEFS:O}
. if !defined(${var})
@${ECHO} " * ${var} (not defined)"
. elif defined(${var}) && empty(${var})
@${ECHO} " * ${var} (defined)"
. else
@${ECHO} " * ${var} = "${${var}:Q}
. endif
. endfor
. if !empty(BUILD_DEFS_EFFECTS:M*)
@${ECHO} ""
@${ECHO} "Based on these variables, the following variables have been set:"
@${ECHO} ""
. endif
. for var in ${BUILD_DEFS_EFFECTS:O}
. if !defined(${var})
@${ECHO} " * ${var} (not defined)"
. elif defined(${var}) && empty(${var})
@${ECHO} " * ${var} (defined, but empty)"
. else
@${ECHO} " * ${var} = "${${var}:Q}
. endif
. endfor
@${ECHO} ""
@${ECHO} "You may want to abort the process now with CTRL-C and change their value"
@${ECHO} "before continuing. Be sure to run \`${MAKE} clean' after"
@${ECHO} "the changes."
@${ECHO} "=========================================================================="
# show-all:
# Prints a list of (hopefully) all pkgsrc variables that are visible
# to the user or the package developer. It is intended to give
# interested parties a better insight into the inner workings of
# pkgsrc. Each variable name is prefixed with a "category":
# * "usr" for user-settable variables,
# * "pkg" for package-settable variables,
# * "sys" for system-defined variables.
# Keywords: debug show _vargroups
# The following types of variables are categorized:
# Variables that can be set by the user and whose primary file is
# this file.
# Variables that can be set by the package and whose primary file
# is this file.
# Variables that are defined by this file and that are intended to
# be used by packages.
# All variables that are defined by this file, whether internal or
# not, primary or not.
# All variables that are used by this file, whether internal or
# not, primary or not.
show-all: .PHONY
.for g in ${_VARGROUPS:O:u}
show-all: show-all-${g}
show-all-${g}: .PHONY
@echo "${g}:"
. for c in ${_SHOW_ALL_CATEGORIES}
. for v in ${${c}.${g}}
. if defined(${v})
# Be careful not to evaluate variables too early. Some may use the :sh
# modifier, which can end up taking much time and issuing unexpected
# warnings and error messages.
# When finally showing the variables, it is unavoidable that those
# variables requiring ${WRKDIR} to exist will show a warning.
@value=${${v}:M*:Q}; \
if [ "$$value" ]; then \
echo " ${_LABEL.${c}} ${v} = $$value"; \
else \
echo " ${_LABEL.${c}} ${v} (defined, but empty)"; \
. else
@echo " ${_LABEL.${c}} ${v} (undefined)"
. endif
. endfor
. endfor
@echo ""