The code has been completely reorganized. The implementation documentation is
now completely in English and uses the new class koma-script-source-doc. This
class is based on version 3 of the doc package. Partially the order of the code
has changed. Some deprecated code parts have been removed completely, others
generate long overdue warnings.
scrartcl, scrbook, scrreprt:
Non-floating environments table- und figure- are also defined.
scrlttr2, scrletter:
The internal macros \if at plength, \@newplength, \@setplength, and \@addtoplength
are not only deprecated, which has been documented since KOMA-Script 3.25 from
2018/03/30, but also warn. If you haven't already done so, you should use the
user commands \Ifplength, \newplength, \setplength, and \addtoplength instead
urgently now!