-Test that list_monitors mentions monitor names (#1319) -Test directional monitor references (#1318) -Set X11 property for client's floating state (#1325) -Update floating geometry if size hints change (#1324) -Add client attribute 'decoration_geometry' (#1326) -Move text drawing to own function (#1328) -Migrate spawn and wmexec to Input and add tests (#1330) -Shorten window title to decoration width (#1329) -Add an autostart object (#1332) -Update cursor shape and resize accordingly (#1331) -spawn: Print error message on exec failure (#1333) - Fix redundant autostart sh logic (#1338) -tests: increase process shutdown timeout (#1341) -tests: Close stdout/stderr after subprocess.Popen (#1343) -tests: Fix Xvfb shutdown timeout (#1351) -Attribute to disable window decorations (#1374) -Draw tabs in max layout (#1381) -Raise undecorated fullscreen windows above panels (#1385) -React to focus stealing via XSetInputFocus (#1386) -Extend 'foreach' by a --filter-name=REGEX flag (#1387) -Draw title of tabbed windows before horizontal border (#1393) -Extend foreach command by --unique and --recursive (#1394) -Add settings.ellipsis (#1400) -Let active and inactive tabs have same text width (#1401) -Add attributes 'title_when' and 'title_depth' (#1399) -Simplify urgency handling by using signals (#1402) -Move input focus handling to XMainLoop (#1403) -Handle mouse clicks in correct order (#1404) -Check early on click if client resize is possible (#1408) -Avoid theme.h include in client.h (#1409) -Add theme options for unselected tabs (#1410) _Do not map already visible unmanaged windows (#1411) -Fix input focus for preexisting clients (#1412) -Prevent endless focus stealing loop (#1413) |
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