3.5.0 Bugs - Site should tell 'prerequisites.maven is deprecated' - UnsupportedOperationException thrown when version range is not correct in dependencyManagement definitions - ClosedChannelException from DefaultUpdateCheckManager.read - "mvn.cmd" does not indicate failure properly when using "&&" - mvnDebug doesn't work with M2_HOME with spaces - missing quotes - mvn shell script fails with syntax error on Solaris 10 - logging config is overridden by $M2_HOME/lib/ext/*.jar - mvn shell script invokes /bin/sh but requires Bash functions - Problem with CI friendly usage of '${..}'' which is already defined via property in pom file. - java.lang.String cannot be cast to org.apache.maven.lifecycle.mapping.LifecyclePhase - Maven possibly not aware of log4j2 - mvn.cmd fails when the current directory has spaces in between - mvn.cmd does not return ERROR_CODE - mvn.cmd fails if directory contains an ampersand (&) - Unsafe System Properties copy in MavenRepositorySystemUtils, causing NPEs - Problem with CI friendly usage of '${..} reactor order is changed - CI friendly properties break submodule builds - properties.internal.SystemProperties.addSystemProperties() is not really thread-safe - PluginDescriptor doesn't read since value of parameter - ${session.parallel} not correctly set - DefaultWagonManagerTest#testGetMissingJarForced() passed incorrect value - mvn dependency:go-offline fails due to missing transitive dependency jdom:jdom:jar:1.1 - Fix unclosed streams - NPE in cases using Multithreaded -T X versions:set -DnewVersion=1.0-SNAPSHOT - REGRESSION: WARNING about usage of a non threadsafe marked plugin is not showed anymore - Precedence of command-line system property options has changed - MavenSession.getAllProjects() should return all projects in the reactor - Javadoc errors prevent release with Java 8 - The --file command line option of the Windows and Unix launchers does not work for directory names like "Spaces & Special Char" - groupId has plain color when goal fails - HttpClient produces a lot of noise at debug loglevel - Dependency management debug message corrections. - maven-resolver-provider's DefaultArtifactDescriptorReader has mismatched constructor and initService methods - mvn -f complains about illegal readlink option under macOS - distribution zip file has unordered entries - Use consistent quoting forms in mvn launcher script - mvn script fails to locate .mvn directory when pom.xml location specified with -f Dependency upgrade - Dependency updates - Upgrade Aether to Maven Resolver Improvements - Unify error output/check logic from shell and batch scripts - Don't use M2_HOME in mvn shell/command scripts anymore - Silence unnecessary legacy local repository warning - .mvn directory should be picked when using --file - Remove the whole Ant build - Fixing documentation - String handling issues identified by PMD - Fix links etc. in README.txt which is part of the delivery - Default plugin version updates - Use Java 7's SimpleDateFormat in CLIReportingUtils#formatTimestamp - Improve output readability of our MavenTransferListener implementations - Confusing error message in case of missing/empty artifactId and version in pluginManagement - Replace %HOME% with %USERPROFILE% in mvn.cmd - Drastically reduce JAVA_HOME discovery code - Removing ArtifactHandler for ejb3 lifecycle - Removing ArtifactHandler for par lifecycle - ReactorModelCache not used effectively after maven version 3.0.5 which cause a large memory footprint - WARNING during build based on absolute path in assembly-descriptor. - Document default scope compile in pom XSD and reference documentation - Can't overwrite properties which have been defined in .mvn/maven.config - Log refactoring - Method Invocation Replaced By Variable - Introduce ${maven.conf} in m2.conf - Add Jansi native library search path to our start scripts to avoid extraction to temp file on each run - Remove non-existent m2 include in component.xml - Several small stylistic and spelling improvements to code and documentation - 'MetadataResolutionResult#getGraph()'' contains duplicate if clause - Javadoc improvements for 3.5.0 - Introduce CLASSWORLDS_JAR in shell startup scripts - Deprecate and replace incorrectly spelled public API - Remove unused prerequisites - Replace doclettag explanation with annotations in AbstractMojo javadoc - WARN if maven-site-plugin configuration contains reportPlugins element New Features - ANSI color logging for improved output visibility - add support for module name != artifactId in every calculated URLs (project, SCM, site): special project.directory property - create a slf4j-simple provider extension that supports level color rendering - ModelResolver interface enhancement: addition of resolveModel(Dependency) supporting version ranges Tasks - Remove outdated maven-embedder/src/main/resources/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - Remove maven.home default value setter from m2.conf - Upgrade Maven Wagon from 2.10 to 2.12 - Clean up duplicate dependencies caused by incomplete Wagon HTTP Provider exclusions - Remove obsolete message_*.properties from maven-core - update documentation's dependency graph with resolver + resolver-provider + slf4j-provider - Force Push master from 737de43e392fc15a0ce366db98d70aa18b3f6c03 - Add a Jenkinsfile so that builds.apache.org can use multibranch pipeline Wishes - Support version ranges in parent elements - after forked execution success, add an empty line - warn if prerequisites.maven is used for non-plugin projects 3.3.9 Bug - default-value on mojo parameter of type collection or array effectively make parameter read-only - Properties on command line with leading or trailing quotes are stripped - Possible NullPointerException in org.apache.maven.repository. MetadataResolutionResult - Variable maven.multiModuleProjectDirectory may be set incorrectly - Moving from Maven 3.0.5 to 3.3.3 breaks plugins with some dependencies on the class path - mvn fails when the current directory is a root drive on Windows - Project base dir not fully working in Cygwin - Make MAVEN_OPTS env variable with mvnDebug correctly - Empy maven.config cause Maven to exit with failure - <relativePath> is used if the groupId and artifactId match irrespective of the version - mvn script fails to locate .mvn in current directory - maven-aether-provider/maven-compat does not always generate snapshot versions using Gregorian calendar year - Nonportable shell constructs cause bin/mvn errors on Debian - mvn script doesn't handle directories containing spaces - Broken link of ' Building Maven' in README.md on Github - Log file command line option description contains an extra word - Multi-module build with ear fails to resolve war in 3.3.3 - org.apache.maven.repository.internal.RemoteSnapshotMetadataTest fails to start at midnight - Maven selects wrong JVM Improvement - Use Commons Lang's Validate to intercept invalid input - Custom packaging types: configuring DefaultLifecycleMapping mojo executions - Close IO Streams in finally or try-with-resource statement - make url inheritance algorithm more visible - Update used modello version from 1.8.1 to 1.8.3 - Removing par lifecycle from default life cycle bindings - Make used plugin version for maven-resources-plugin in default-bindings.xml consistent - Removed binding for maven-ejb3-plugin from default binding - Maven build does not work with Maven 2.2.1 - Use canonical name for UTC timezone - Upgrade maven-parent to version 27 - Upgrade Wagon version to 2.10 - Upgraded to plexus-component-* 1.6 that uses asm 5.x - Upgrade plexus-utils to 3.0.22 to support combine.id as configuration attribute for Map merging - Switch to official Guice 4.0 - Upgrade to Eclipse/Sisu 0.3.2 - Update animal-sniffer-maven-plugin to 1.14. MANIMALSNIFFER-49 required when building with JDK9 3.3.3 Bug - ssh-wagon hangs - same class realm registered both with plugin and extensions realm caches - Maven extensions can not be retrieved from authenticated repositories - 'mvn deploy' sends HTTP User-Agent twice Improvement - Warn about Proxies with duplicate id, but different protocols - Upgrade Maven to use Wagon 2.9 3.3.1 Bug - mvn cannot execute /usr/libexec/java_home/bin/java on OS X. - mvn script is not compatible with OSX (Darwin) - PATCH ATTACHED - Wrong reactor summary output while using -T option - inconsistent classloading for extensions=true plugins - Add example of toolchains.xml to Maven distribution - DefaultMavenExecutionRequest.copy() doesn't keep useLegacyLocalRepository - DefaultMavenExecutionRequest.copy() doesn't keep builderId - execution request populate ignores plugin repositories - LifecycleModuleBuilder effectively swallows runtime exceptions and errors - NoClassDefFoundError: org/slf4j/spi/LocationAwareLogger when generating javadoc during site reporting - cobertura-maven-plugin:instrument failing NoClassDefFoundError: org/slf4j/LoggerFactory Improvement - Modify maven-toolchain to look in ${maven.home}/conf/toolchains.xml and in ${user.home}/.m2/toolchains.xml - Empty module entry should fail instead of just producing a WARNING - avoid hardcoded system classloader references - Toolchains should be read during initialization - project-specific default jvm options and command line parameters - specify execution-id for direct plugin goal invocation from command line - improved user-configurable core extensions mechanism - upgrade to sisu 0.3.0 and sisu guice 3.2.5 New Feature - Add module maven-builder-support - Allow plugin implementors to choose how they want the configuration created for a particular MojoExecution - Access toolchains without maven-toolchain-plugin - Provide an extension point to provide alternate CLI configuration mechanism - Provide extension point for alternate implementations to construct build graph Task - update aether to 1.0.2 - Drop support for Win9x in mvn launch scripts - switch from 3.2.x to 3.3.x - upgrade Java minimum version prerequisite from Java 6 to Java 7 3.2.5 Bug - [Regression] resolveAlways does not force dependency resolution in Maven 3.0.4 - ComparableVersion's breaks contract for Comparable, in some edgecases the comparisons are not transitive - Maven dependency resolution locks up - mvn -U crashes with IBM JDK - java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException on DefaultProjectBuilder.build - Parallel Builds can build in wrong order - inconsistent custom scope bindings - Remove dependency on Easymock - Update to plexus-interpolation 1.21 to avoid potential thread safety problems - spell mistake, Log4JLoggerFactory should be Log4jLoggerFactory - LinkageError org.apache.maven.surefire.shade.org.apache.maven.shared.utils.io.IOUtil - ToolchainManagerPrivate.getToolchainsForType() returns toolchains that are not of expected type - Maven downloads same artifact from all repositories defined in POM - unexpected InvalidArtifactRTException from ProjectBuilder#build Improvement - Improve toolchains descriptor documentation - Improve Toolchains API description - Enrich toolchain xml with merge information - Change 'provides' from Object to Properties in toolchains.xml - Upgrade to last Wagon 2.8 New Feature - Add Merger for Maven Toolchain - Provide a tool to test Maven version parsing and comparison Task - Upgrade Aether 1.0 when available - Upgrade JUnit (for tests only) Wish - rename JavaToolChain to JavaToolchain for consistency and don't declare it as Plexus component
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@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.8 2017/09/06 10:17:50 fhajny Exp $