jaapb b539541f07 - improved test coverage
- Enum: bugfix in clamp
- Stream: add concat_map
- List: fix a stack-overflow bug in transpose
- List: add unfold_exc : (unit -> a) -> 'a list * exn
- List: add fold_righti and fold_lefti
- Substring : fix fold_left, add fold_lefti, fold_righti
- String : add fold_lefti and fold_righti
- Set.Make: add of_list
- AvlTree: add (check : 'a tree -> bool) to check well-formedness
- Hashtbl: make modify_opt/def resize the table to preserve amortized costs
- Enum: fix combine's count in presence of infinite enums
- Makefile: add a qtest-byte target
- List: add modify_opt_at: int -> ('a -> 'a option) -> 'a list -> 'a list
- List: add modify_at: int -> ('a -> 'a) -> 'a list -> 'a list
- List: add remove_at: int -> 'a list -> 'a list
- Int: add copysign
- Deque: add rotate_forward, rotate_backward : 'a dq -> 'a dq
- Int: fix overflow checking in Safe_int.mul
- add a local OPAM description, allows to use
    opam pin add batteries
- Queue: add map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
- compatibility with 4.02:
  + Printf: remove CamlinternalPr for OCaml versions >= 4.02
  + Printf: legacy code assumed (string = fmt)
  + new 4.02 functions:
  String.mapi (String.init was already in Batteries)
  List.sort_uniq (List.sort_unique existed before)
  Array.make_float (less efficient implementation provided for <4.02 versions)
  a BatBytes module relying on ocamlfind's compatibility module
  bytes-related functions in Buffer,Digest,Marshal,Printexc,Stream,Unix
  new Printexc callstack interface (not available for <4.02 versions)
- cartesian product in batSet
- Enum.concat_map alias
- UChar.is_ascii
- equality and enumeration (from, to UChar enum) in batText
- String.find_all function
- Seq.iteri, mapi, iter2, map2 (see issue #417)
- cartesian product of enums (issue #442)
- List.subset
- Array.bsearch dichotomic search (issue #433)
- Enum.print_at_most (issue #425)
- BatOption.ord instance, (issue #393)
- Fix infinite loop in BitSet
- Levenshtein distance on strings
- Seq.{of_list, equal}
- basic .merlin file for merlin users
- BatDeque.eq function to compare Deques by content
- BatteriesExceptionless
- More explicit overridding of ocamlbuild rules, use batteries.mllib
- Add Kahan summation (numerically-accurate sum of floats) to List,Array,Enum
- Add BatOption.some
- (text) improve element indexing in BatList's mli documentation
- Add BatList.filteri_map
- Compatibility with ocaml 4.01
- Add BatList.filteri
- Levenshtein distance on strings
- Seq.{of_list, equal}
- basic .merlin file for merlin users
- BatDeque.eq function to compare Deques by content
- BatteriesExceptionless
- More explicit overridding of ocamlbuild rules, use batteries.mllib
- Add Kahan summation (numerically-accurate sum of floats) to List,Array,Enum
- Add BatOption.some
- (text) improve element indexing in BatList's mli documentation
- Add BatList.filteri_map
- Compatibility with ocaml 4.01
- Add BatList.filteri
- Add Set.split_lt and split_le
- Add split_opt wherever there is split
- Add List.range
- Add the new O_CLOEXEC flag to Unix.open_flag in version 4.01
- Fix is always 0.
- Simplify List.partition code
- Add List.ntake and List.takedrop
- Added List.Acc.create and use it
- Add a LazyList.eager_fold_right alias to LazyList.fold_right, with sane argument order
- and many tests and documentation
- cleanup of whitespace
2014-10-09 21:22:27 +00:00

6 lines
309 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.3 2014/10/09 21:22:27 jaapb Exp $
SHA1 (batteries-2.3.tar.gz) = de4069c849dd9a11629c7321d7e5aeb98c95366e
RMD160 (batteries-2.3.tar.gz) = 4fa4618cb3ca3e24ec6466a3203f22412bb877d8
Size (batteries-2.3.tar.gz) = 728917 bytes
SHA1 (patch-Makefile) = 916f5bb2eeffca3830865e0a63dfdb9a48e1e40f