Several pre-defined constant and variable in the gpasm. Extension of error and messg directives: These directives - inside of the parameter string - recognize and execute the #v() macro. New directives: __badrom, assume, elif, elifdef, elifndef New gplink feature: Remove the unnecessary banksel and pagesel directives. The errorlevel directive accept number ranges. E.g. +303-310 or -303-310 The gpvo utility use the disassembler to decode the program memory sections. The gplink save the local RAM symbols to COD file. The ".direct" directive - inside of the parameter string - recognize and execute the #v() macro. The length of source file names in COD file, now 256 bytes long instead of 64 bytes. The gpvc utility thereafter also able to correctly detect the shorter names. The inc and lkr files are synced with MPLABX 3.35
9 lines
645 B
9 lines
645 B
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.13 2018/06/25 14:01:45 bouyer Exp $
SHA1 (gputils-1.5.0.tar.gz) = c78f2835c7b9f7cd29e7f5d27607568c2021e81e
RMD160 (gputils-1.5.0.tar.gz) = 0e7f0c3dc388cf7ee8a67dcd2e93a57b9a6e8e57
SHA512 (gputils-1.5.0.tar.gz) = fc74e92ddfe2c9c7ee272a712a411bf01790358c310afc9a802f503902675fa4717410354bf8791f64da45b63f0b1f562b55fdd7127d3989f4295ebe5f80b645
Size (gputils-1.5.0.tar.gz) = 13155377 bytes
SHA1 (patch-libgputils_gparchive.c) = 52a00eff09ead81926263e84163ab9abf89279d3
SHA1 (patch-libgputils_gpreadobj.c) = 561d9c37bcd6ff4a2e3bfea5504817a057c5e38b
SHA1 (patch-libgputils_gpsystem.c) = 42e406defa88de95ab9aafb5affb09a6cb8a01cf