hauke 8bab130537 Update emulators/tcl-hp-15c to v4.5.00
From upstream's changelog:

Version 4.5.00, Build 6308

    Bug fixes

        When stepping into an error with SST in Run mode, the display
        did not show "Error #"
        DM15: Reading and writing worked only when option "Ask for
        each operation" was activated.
        When writing the stack to the DM15, an application error could
        occur under certain conditions.
        When writing to the DM15, Complex mode was deactivated for
        devices with firmware version V.23 and higher.
        macOS: The program menu did not open at the mouse position,
        when clicking GTO with the right mouse button.


        NEW: Preferences setting to save the last screen position
        More Preferences settings are accessible directly from the
        main menu bar.
        Program description dialogue:
            A Search and Replace window is available for the program
            The preference setting "Show resources in tabs" was moved
            to the "Preferences" dialogue.
            The "Search/Replace" and the "Resource" window can be
            switched on and off.
            The toolbar buttons in edit mode can now show icons as an
            alternative to the tag text.
            A context menu (right mouse click) for HTML tagging was
            New submenu for Superscript/subscript Unicode characters
            in the 'Symbols' menu.
            The 'Symbols' menu is now available as context menu in the
            entry fields for labels, storage registers and flags.
            Improved rendering of lists in preview mode
            The renderer now uses the parameter 'start' of an <ol>
            tag. This is needed in lists with labels, storage
            registers or flags that do not start at 1.
            When reloading a description, the user is asked whether to discard any changes
        macOS: The native macOS "USB to UART" driver, introduces with
        Big Sur, is now supported.
        Improved layout and behaviour of the Mnemonic Converter.
        In PRGM mode programs can now be pasted directly from the
        clipboard into the Simulator.

        New short-cuts
	? : [g] F?, query the status of a flag.
        ctrl-F2 : Menu bar on/off on Windows and Linux. On macOS the
        menu bar is always on.

        Executables are packed with tclkits based on Tcl/Tk 8.6.12 for
        all operating systems.

    Known issues

            When minimising the description dialogue, it becomes
            immediately maximised again
            Artifacts along the top and bottom edge of the simulator
            keys for some font sets
            Some users got errors when they installed the HP-15C
            Simulator Font. It is recommended to deinstall all
            versions of the font before installing it again.

        Linux, macOS:
            The behaviour described on page 144 of the Owner's
            Handbook when a letter key is 'held down for longer than
            about 3 seconds', works on all systems when you use the
            mouse. When you use the keyboard, it works on Windows, but
            not on macOS and Linux.

Version 4.4.00, Build 6211

    Bug fixes
        SOLVE failed in some cases, when "Strict HP-15 behaviour" was

        Memory and history file:
            Starting with this version, only ".mme" (matrix memory)
            memory files are loaded. Older memory files with the
            extension ".mem" are ignored, even if no ".mme" file is
            Linux and macOS: The memory and the history file are now
            in a (hidden) subdirectory ~/.HP-15C. Existing files are
            moved to the new location.
            The file names of the memory file, HP-15C.mme and the
            recent file history, HP-15C.hst, are now the same on all

        Program description dialogue:

            The "Symbols" menu now inserts Unicode characters by
            default instead of HTML Entities (except for &lt; and
            &gt;). This can be deactivated in the Preferences.
            The <img> is now also rendered. Supported graphic formats
            are PNG and GIF.
            New Preferences setting to automatically open the dialogue
            after loading a program.
            Improved preview for nested lists.
            Additional keyboard short-cuts (see section "Programs |
            Program Documentation" in the HTML help).

        HTML export:
            Preformatted text, i.e. <pre>\u2026</pre>, has a light
            grey background.
            Most keys have the same width, except some with long
            labels such as MATRIX. Previously the width was defined by
            the label.
            Optimised layout for Labels and Storage Register

        Preferences: New option to show descriptions in the storage
        register menus.
        DM15 support: New entry in the DM15 menu to read the system
        information, e.g. firmware type, version etc.
        Program labels where the description starts with a "#" are not
        in the GSB menu. This allows it to hide subprograms.
        Updated all URLs from "http" to "https" when supported by the
        web site.
        Harmonised titels of all windows, message boxes and dialogue
        Added a "Keyboard Usage" table to the "Keyboard" section in
        the documentation.
        Windows 11 support added.
        New short-cuts

 	? : [g] F?, query tthe status of a flag.
	A : Computes the absolute value of the number in the X-register.
	shift-D : Converts the number in the X-register from radians to degrees.
	shift-F : Computes the decimal fraction of the number in the X-register.
	shift-M : Converts the number in the X-register from a decimal hours into an hours-minutes-seconds-decimal seconds format.
	shift-H : Converts the number in the X-register from hours-minutes-seconds-decimal seconds format into decimal hours.
	shift-R : Converts the number in the X-register from degrees to radians.

    Known issues
            When minimising the description dialogue, it becomes
            immediately maximised again
            Artifacts along the top and bottom edge of the simulator
            keys for some font sets
            Some users got errors when they installed the HP-15C
            Simulator Font. It is recommended to deinstall all
            versions of the font before installing it again.

        Linux, macOS:

        The behaviour described on page 144 of the Owner's Handbook
        when a letter key is 'held down for longer than about 3
        seconds', works on all systems when you use the mouse. When
        you use the keyboard, it works on Windows, but not on macOS
        and Linux.

Version 4.3.00, Build 6111

    Bug fixes
        Improved interrupt handling while running a program
            Only mouse clicks on a simulator key will interrupt a
            program. Previously any mouse click interrupted a program.

            The program now stops immediately and more
            reliable. Previously, especially when the program uses
            SOLVE or [integral]xy, it could take a few seconds, or you
            even had to press or click multiple times, to actually
            stop the program.

        When both SOLVE and [integral]xy were used in a program,
            the display did not flash "running" but showed it permanently
            the return stack could overflow resulting in "Error 5"
            interrupting the program could result in an invalid return
            stack. Resulting in "Error 5" with the next GSB command

        Program description dialogue:
            When inserting a new tag or after undo, the new or
            restored text was not highlighted
            When inserting a tag or a symbol into unchanged
            documentation, the change status was not set.
            In specific multi display configurations, reloading the
            dialogue could result in an application error

        When opening a faulty program file, the error message was incorrect
        Linux: On screens with high DPI values, the simulator display
        and the function labels were misaligned
        Linux: On systems with extreme scaling, no valid font set was

        Program description dialogue:
            Links in the description can now be clicked
            <pre> is now used instead of <code> for formatted code,
            e.g. formulas
            Short-cuts for HTML tags <sup> and <sub> added
            Enhanced and optimised "Symbols" menu
            Switching between "Show resources in tabs" and list mode
            does not change the size of the dialogue (unless it is to
            small for list mode)
            Dialogues to warn about unsaved changes are more consistent

        Depending on the functions used in an HP-15C program,
        execution time has been reduced by 30% to 70%
        Windows: The font sets for normal and high DPI values have
        been merged.
        Linux package support: The environment variable HP15Cdocdir
        can be used to install the simulator documentation separate
        from the program binary file.
        Mnemonic Converter: The Unicode 'Latin Letter Small Capital
        \u1d07' is accepted as exponent character , e.g. 1\u1d077, to
        support Free42 output conversion.
        The oldest supported Tcl version is now 8.6.6 (was: 8.5.12)

    Known issues
        macOS Big Sur:
        The following issues are incompatibilities between the Tcl/Tk
        runtime and macOS Big Sur. Earlier versions of macOS are not
            Active buttons on dialogues have white text on white
            background, the active button text turns black if you
            change the focus back to the main window
            When minimising the description dialogue, it becomes
            immediately maximised again
            Fonts in the menus are a bit blurry on some systems
            Artifacts along the top and bottom edge of the simulator
            keys on some displays (>24 inch?)

        Linux, macOS:
        The behaviour described on page 144 of the Owner's Handbook
        when a letter key is 'held down for longer than about 3
        seconds', works on all systems when you use the mouse. When
        you use the keyboard, it works on Windows, but not on
        MacOS X and Linux.

            Some users got errors when they installed the new HP-15C
            Simulator Font version under macOS El Capitan and
            newer. The macOS Sierra font validation program reports no
            warnings or errors. It is recommended to deinstall any
            older version of the font before installing the new
            version. Despite the errors, the font can be installed and
            The "Emoji and Symbols" menu does not work. This is a
            known Tcl/Tk bug.

Version 4.2.00, Build 6026

    Bug fixes
        SOLVE could fail, when the two initial estimates were
        STO or RCL followed by g (i), to set or get the value of a
        matrix element, did not work.
        x<-> failed when the X-register contained a matrix
        In ENG 0 display format, numbers with 3 digits in the mantissa
        were displayed with only 2 digits.
        Writing the LU form of a matrix of dimension n to the DM15
        failed, when the number of permutations was smaller then n-1.
        When the display was blinking due to an overflow, the blinking
        was erroneously stopped by switching the PRGM mode on/off.

        Program description dialogue:
            New preferences setting: "Automatic preview". Important
            note: The setting is 'On' by default.
            If set to 'On' and the "Usage" field of the program
            description contains HTML tags or entities, the program
            description dialogue opens in preview mode.
            The HTML tag buttons layout was optimised. The effect is
            most visible under macOS.
            Short-cuts are now defined for the supported HTML tags and
            the HP-15C specific css classes
            The labels for the tag buttons for bold and italic are now
            in the language of the UI.
            New menu to add HTML Entities, i.e. Greek letters,
            mathematical symbols and arrows.
            Improved rendering of the HP-15C specific css classes in
            preview mode.
            HTML Entities, e.g. "&pi;", are now rendered using the
            corresponding Unicode character, e.g. pi.
            The initial width of the dialogue is now always appx. 40% of the screen.
            The initial height on large screens has been increased.
            When switching "Show resources in tabs" on or off, only
            this section is redrawn and not the whole window.
            Resources are now always shown in at least two columns if
            more then one of each type is used in a program.
            The "Author Information" is now inserted into an empty
            "Usage" field, when the program description dialogue is

        Reading and writing files:
            With the HTML export, "Keys in black and white" now also
            affect the program description and not only the program
            With the HTML export and "Structure in English" activated,
            the decimal point is now always a dot and the thousands
            seperator a comma. Previously the current display settings
            where used.
            When opening program files, key sequences with a decimal
            point, e.g. STO . 3, can now be formatted as { 45 ,3 } or
            { 45 .3 } in addition to { 45 48 3 }. The additional
            format is more common in the Web.

        New short-cut

	[N] : Computes the integer of the number in the X-register, i.e. makes it a natural number.
	Alt-F3 : Show GSB menu.

        The documentation was reviewed and standardised with regard to
        spelling, grammar and presentation.
        Only 64-bit executables are provided from now on. For 32-bit
        operating systems the source code version can be used, if
        Tcl/Tk is available on that system.
        Only macOS 10.15 and newer versions are supported from now
        on. The executables may run on older versions, but this has
        not been tested.
        Executables are now packed with tclkits based on Tcl/Tk 8.6.10
        for all operating systems.
        In the 'About' dialogue, the Tcl/Tk shell program and the
        Tcl/Tk version are now only shown in the source code version.

    Known issues
        Linux, macOS:
        The behaviour described on page 144 of the Owner's Handbook
        when a letter key is 'held down for longer than about 3
        seconds', works on all systems when you use the mouse. When
        you use the keyboard, it works on Windows, but not on
        MacOS X and Linux.
            Some users got errors when they installed the new HP-15C
            Simulator Font version under macOS El Capitan and
            newer. The macOS Sierra font validation program reports no
            warnings or errors. It is recommended to deinstall any
            older version of the font before installing the new
            version. Despite the errors, the font can be installed and
            The "Emoji and Symbols" menu does not work. This is a
            known Tcl/Tk bug.

Version 4.1.00, Build 5914

    Bug fixes
        It was possible to close the simuator with an invalid number
        in the X register. The memory file had to be deleted, before
        the Simulator would start again.
        Source code version: The simulator could be started only from
        the directory with the source code.
        The Mnemonic Converter created invalid Key Codes for STO and
        RCL in USER mode.
        On some Linux systems with 4k displays the area around the
        display could be corrupted.

        NEW: A "Recent programs" history is now available as a submenu
        to the context or ON popup menu and in the "Files" menu of the
        main menu bar.
        Like the real HP-15C, the Simulator now uses the Romberg
        method for numerical integration. Previous versions used the
        Simpson method and the implementation - over 15 years old -
        failed for some integrals.
        Improved layout of the backside, especially for larger font sets.
        Revised and improved program description dialogue:
            The "Highlight tags" check box has been moved from the
            Program Description dialogue to the Preferences dialogue.
            The preview mode now supports the HTML tags "<sup>" and "<sub>".
            When an HTML tag range is highlighted, e.g. "<bold>some
            text</bold>", clicking the corresponding tag-button now
            removes the tag.
            The blank part of indented text did not have the correct
            background colour.
            The last position on the screen is stored. The position is
            discarded when the program is closed.

        Executables are now packed with tclkits based on Tcl/Tk 8.6.9
        for Windows and Linux, 8.6.8 for macOS HighSierra and 8.6.7
        macOS prior to macOS HighSierra.

    Known issues
        Linux, macOS:
        The behaviour described on page 144 of the Owner's Handbook
        when a letter key is 'held down for longer than about 3
        seconds', works on all systems when you use the mouse. When
        you use the keyboard, it works on Windows, but not on
        MacOS X and Linux.
            Some users got errors when they installed the new HP-15C
            Simulator Font version under macOS El Capitan and
            newer. The macOS Sierra font validation program reports no
            warnings or errors. It is recommended to deinstall any
            older version of the font before installing the new
            version. Despite the errors, the font can be installed and
            A user reported that the Simulator does not run on
            MacOS X 10.6 "Snow Leopard". It seems that at
            least MacOS X 10.7 "Lion" is needed.
            The "Emoji and Symbols" menu does not work. This is a
            known Tcl/Tk bug.
2023-02-28 10:37:22 +00:00
distinfo Update emulators/tcl-hp-15c to v4.5.00 2023-02-28 10:37:22 +00:00
Makefile Update emulators/tcl-hp-15c to v4.5.00 2023-02-28 10:37:22 +00:00
PLIST Update emulators/tcl-hp-15c to v4.5.00 2023-02-28 10:37:22 +00:00