The only significant packaging change is to drop the dependency on py-subversion. It's still needed to use subversion repositories, but use of svn is now optional. Update provided by Martin Resnick of BBN, with minor tweaks by me. Trac 1.0 'Cell' (September 7, 2012) http://svn.edgewall.org/repos/trac/tags/trac-1.0 Trac 1.0 is a major release adding refreshed user interface and improved DVCS repository support as the most visible changes. The following list contains only a few highlights: - The default theme looks more modern, especially on recent browsers (no effort has been made to make it look better on older browsers like IE6 or 7) - The TracHacks GitPlugin has been donated by Herbert Valerio Riedel to the Trac project (many thanks!) and is now maintained here as an optional component - As a consequence, the Subversion support has been moved below `tracopt.versioncontrol` as well - The Git and Mercurial log view feature a visualization of the branching structure - Usability improvements for the tickets, with a better support for conflict detection and resolution - Integration of the TracHacks BatchModifyPlugin, contributed by Brian Meeker (many thanks!) and is now maintained there as a default component - jQuery/UI integration, featuring a date picker for date fields - Improved integration with Pygments syntax highlighting - ... and numerous smaller features added and bugs fixed since 0.12!
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# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.59 2013/02/13 17:10:45 gdt Exp $
DISTNAME= Trac-1.0
CATEGORIES= devel www
MASTER_SITES= http://ftp.edgewall.org/pub/trac/ \
HOMEPAGE= http://trac.edgewall.org/
COMMENT= Repository browser, wiki, and issue tracking system
LICENSE= modified-bsd
# Maintainer notes:
# This package is similar to wip/trac, which in turn structurally
# matches www/ja-trac. Ideally, www/trac and ja-trac would converge.
# This note outlines the known differences and proposed resolution.
# Besides bringing the packages closer, a goal is to avoid breaking
# existing trac installations that blindly upgrade, to the extent that
# this is reasonable.
# www/trac options are not in options.mk (to be fixed).
# sqlite2 vs sqlite3: This package supports sqlite3 or postgresql.
# ja-trace supports sqlite2, postgresql, and mysql.
DEPENDS+= ${PYPKGPREFIX}-genshi>=0.6:../../www/py-genshi
# Arguably there should be a trac-svn package that depends on
# subversion and trac. This line is residual from when trac always
# included subversion support.
#DEPENDS+= ${PYPKGPREFIX}-subversion>=1.6:../../devel/py-subversion
PKG_OPTIONS_GROUP.db= sqlite psycopg2
.include "../../mk/bsd.options.mk"
PYTHON_PATCH_SCRIPTS= contrib/cgi-bin/trac.* contrib/*.py contrib/*-hook
PYTHON_PATCH_SCRIPTS+= trac/tests/functional/*.py
.include "../../lang/python/application.mk"
.if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Msqlite)
DEPENDS+= ${PYPKGPREFIX}-sqlite3>=0:../../databases/py-sqlite3
# trac 0.12 dropped support for py-PgSQL. Switching to py-psycopg2 with
# an existing database that used to be accessed by py-PgSQL worked.
.if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Mpsycopg2)
DEPENDS+= ${PYPKGPREFIX}-psycopg2>=2:../../databases/py-psycopg2
# MySQL is sort of supported but not recommended by upstream and hence
# omitted.
EGDIR= ${PREFIX}/share/examples/trac
CGIBINDIR= ${PREFIX}/libexec/trac
${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/contrib/cgi-bin/trac.* ${DESTDIR}${CGIBINDIR}
cd ${WRKSRC}/contrib && pax -rwppm -s ',./rpm/.*$$,,' -s ',./rpm$$,,' \
.include "../../lang/python/egg.mk"
.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"