adam b0f16234d9 py-astroid: updated to 2.11.3
What's New in astroid 2.11.3?
* Fixed an error in the Qt brain when building ``instance_attrs``.

* Fixed a crash in the ``gi`` brain.

What's New in astroid 2.11.2?
* Avoided adding the name of a parent namedtuple to its child's locals.

What's New in astroid 2.11.1?
* Promoted ``getattr()`` from ``astroid.scoped_nodes.FunctionDef`` to its parent

* Fixed crash on direct inference via ``nodes.FunctionDef._infer``.

What's New in astroid 2.11.0?
* Add new (optional) ``doc_node`` attribute to ``nodes.Module``, ``nodes.ClassDef``,
  and ``nodes.FunctionDef``.

* Accessing the ``doc`` attribute of ``nodes.Module``, ``nodes.ClassDef``, and
  ``nodes.FunctionDef`` has been deprecated in favour of the ``doc_node`` attribute.
  Note: ``doc_node`` is an (optional) ``nodes.Const`` whereas ``doc`` was an (optional) ``str``.

* Passing the ``doc`` argument to the ``__init__`` of ``nodes.Module``, ``nodes.ClassDef``,
  and ``nodes.FunctionDef`` has been deprecated in favour of the ``postinit`` ``doc_node`` attribute.
  Note: ``doc_node`` is an (optional) ``nodes.Const`` whereas ``doc`` was an (optional) ``str``.

* Replace custom ``cachedproperty`` with ``functools.cached_property`` and deprecate it
  for Python 3.8+.

* Set ``end_lineno`` and ``end_col_offset`` attributes to ``None`` for all nodes
  with PyPy 3.8. PyPy 3.8 assigns these attributes inconsistently which could lead
  to unexpected errors. Overwriting them with ``None`` will cause a fallback
  to the already supported way of PyPy 3.7.

* Add missing ``shape`` parameter to numpy ``zeros_like``, ``ones_like``,
  and ``full_like`` methods.

* Only pin ``wrapt`` on the major version.

What's New in astroid 2.10.0?
* Fixed inference of ``self`` in binary operations in which ``self``
  is part of a list or tuple.

* Fixed builtin inference on `property` calls not calling the `postinit` of the new node, which
  resulted in instance arguments missing on these nodes.

* Fixed a crash on ``Super.getattr`` when the attribute was previously uninferable due to a cache
  limit size. This limit can be hit when the inheritance pattern of a class (and therefore of the
  ``__init__`` attribute) is very large.

* Inlcude names of keyword-only arguments in ``astroid.scoped_nodes.Lambda.argnames``.

* Fixed a crash inferring on a ``NewType`` named with an f-string.

* Add support for [attrs v21.3.0]( which
  added a new `attrs` module alongside the existing `attr`.

* Use the ``end_lineno`` attribute for the ``NodeNG.tolineno`` property
  when it is available.

* Add ``is_dataclass`` attribute to ``ClassDef`` nodes.

* Use ``sysconfig`` instead of ``distutils`` to determine the location of
  python stdlib files and packages.

* Fixed crash with recursion error for inference of class attributes that referenced
  the class itself.

* Fixed crash when trying to infer ``items()`` on the ``__dict__``
  attribute of an imported module.

* Add optional ``NodeNG.position`` attribute.
  Used for block nodes to highlight position of keyword(s) and name
  in cases where the AST doesn't provide good enough positional information.
  E.g. ``nodes.ClassDef``, ``nodes.FunctionDef``.

* Fix ``ClassDef.fromlineno``. For Python < 3.8 the ``lineno`` attribute includes decorators.
  ``fromlineno`` should return the line of the ``class`` statement itself.

* Performance improvements. Only run expensive decorator functions when
  non-default Deprecation warnings are enabled, eg. during a Pytest run.
2022-04-20 10:42:10 +00:00