ugrep v3.8.3 New option combination -o (--only-matching) with -ABC context to show the match within NUM columns, with context before and/or after, which visually aids in searching files with long lines; option -o with -b or -k now shows results on separate lines; new option --width to truncate long lines to the specified width or the terminal width by default; short ug command now sorts by name by default; query TUI ALT-] [ (increase/decrease context) and ALT-} { (increase/decrease fuzziness) keys switched meaning (quicker and more intuitive); new %+ format field used by updated --only-line-number option; new --help fuzzy help page; updated man pages; fixed bz2 issue cutting off decompression too soon, fixed tiny lz4 file search error, and other improvements.
5 lines
354 B
5 lines
354 B
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.38 2022/07/01 19:35:45 adam Exp $
BLAKE2s (ugrep-3.8.3.tar.gz) = 18b53302c78018b63e097bdd04a0d50cf2b9616eb15b6ee4deeecf649eefe938
SHA512 (ugrep-3.8.3.tar.gz) = 5f0a484283a6e51dcd8bdebc9aeeabde476f7275c6dfd0fcf67287bb56c6c878614dcfc92d1dfa100d4e54116a2e088f39b0270719cd928284db90597fd57323
Size (ugrep-3.8.3.tar.gz) = 4445071 bytes