- Close files after loading if possible
- Fix Image Access to be reloadable when embedding the Python interpreter
- Fetch DPI from EXIF if not specified in JPEG header
- Removed winbuild checksum verification
- Git: Set ContainerIO test file as binary
- Remove superfluous import of FixTk
- Fix import of tkinter/Tkinter
- Pure Python Decoders, including Python decoder to fix for MSP images
- Reorganized GifImagePlugin
- Doc: Reordered operating systems in Compatibility Matrix
- Test: Additional tests for BurfStub, Eps, Container, GribStub, IPTC, Wmf, XVThumb, ImageDraw, ImageMorph ImageShow
- Health fixes
- Test: Correctness tests ContainerIO, XVThumbImagePlugin, BufrStubImagePlugin, GribStubImagePlugin, FitsStubImagePlugin, Hdf5StubImagePlugin, PixarImageFile, PsdImageFile
- Remove unused imports
- Replaced KeyError catch with dictionary get method
- Test: Removed unrunnable code in test_image_toqimage
- Removed use of spaces in TIFF kwargs names, deprecated in 2.7
- Removed deprecated ImageDraw setink, setfill, setfont methods
- Send unwanted subprocess output to /dev/null
- Fix division by zero when creating 0x0 image from numpy array
- Test: Added matrix convert tests
- Replaced broken URL to partners.adobe.com
- Removed unused private functions in setup.py and build_dep.py
- Test: Fixed Qt tests for QT5 and saving 1 bit PNG
- Test: docker builds for Arch and Debian Stretch
- Updated libwebp to 0.6.0 on appveyor
- More explicit error message when saving to a file with invalid extension
- Docs: Update some http urls to https
- Preserve aux/alpha channels when performing Imagecms transforms
- Test linear and radial gradient effects
- Test ImageDraw.Outline and and ImageDraw.Shape
- Added PySide to ImageQt documentation
- BUG: Empty image mode no longer causes a crash
- Exclude .travis and contents from manifest
- Remove 'MIT-like' from license
- Tests: Add tests for several Image operations
- PNG: Moved iCCP chunk before PLTE chunk when saving as PNG, restricted chunks known value/ordering
- Default to inch-interpretation for missing ResolutionUnit in TiffImagePlugin
- Bug: Fixed segfault when using ImagingTk on pypy
- Bug: Fixed Integer overflow using ImagingTk on 32 bit platforms
- Tests: Added docker images for testing alternate platforms. See also https://github.com/python-pillow/docker-images.
- Removed PIL 1.0 era TK readme that concerns Windows 95/NT
- Prevent `nose -v` printing docstrings
- Replaced absolute PIL imports with relative imports
- Added context managers for file handling
- Expose registered file extensions in Image
- Make mode descriptor cache initialization thread-safe.
- Updated Windows test dependencies: Freetype 2.7.1, zlib 1.2.11
- Followed upstream pngquant packaging reorg to libimagquant
- Fix invalid string escapes
- Add test for crop operation with no argument