hexd prints a human-readable hexdump of the specified files, or standard input if omitted. Its main distinguishing feature is the use of colours to visually indicate which range of values an octet belongs to, aiding in spotting patterns in binary data. By default, hexd relies on 256-color SGR escape sequences. Most terminal emulators should support these today, but technically they're only defacto standard. However, you can override the formatting used with the HEXD_COLORS environment variable (see manpage), or use the -p option for plaintext output.
6 lines
390 B
6 lines
390 B
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.1 2020/01/13 22:29:24 nia Exp $
SHA1 (hexd-1.0.0.tar.gz) = b107924314bb471d61747cb397bf5697f7cfa7ff
RMD160 (hexd-1.0.0.tar.gz) = e5bcff104da734592731b7cc1075fe93588c4714
SHA512 (hexd-1.0.0.tar.gz) = 4d6a915fef732258538327ac519c7d8fb0844b5b05f6ae264a0a313d382646f87b3fe6227df2b201fbcc7aa26695279dee16c1b4d2176cbb9ed161c97457d071
Size (hexd-1.0.0.tar.gz) = 27426 bytes