From v. 4.35 to 4.37 Correct failure that happens when name of current directory contains characters with special meaning in regular expression. -rules option now works with -pvc Add -lualatex option, like -xelatex. File specifications in $clean_ext and $clean_full_ext are allowed to contain wildcards. Warnings are given when rc file is a directory instead of a file. Correct bug that if revtex4-1.cls is used, footnotes are set to be in the bibliography, and latexmk's aux_dir or out_dir is set, then latexmk fails to run bibtex when needed, because the relevant bib file is not found. Other minor corrections and code improvements. Documentation updates and corrections. From v. 4.37 to 4.39 Automatic creation of necessary subdirectories of auxdir when needed for writing aux files. Add error diagnostics to if_source Allow $print_type = 'auto', and make this the default, so that when the -p option to latexmk is used to print the file, the default is to determine the type of file to be printed, rather than always requiring postscript. Fix the failures when dealing with directories whose names contained certain special characters in them (notably '[', ']' and space). [Technical issue: these characters had special meaning when previously interpreted as metacharacters in a glob operation.] This gives dependency on Perl's File::Glob module, which is a standard module in normal installations of Perl. When an output directory is a subdirectory of a directory, ensure that it is correctly created, if it has to be created. Previously, the creation of the output directory when it does not exist only worked for one level. This gives dependency on Perl's File::Path module with v. >= 2.08, which is a standard module in normal installations of Perl. In output of dependencies, include pathname of target file(s) in the rule. In -pvc mode, writing of deps file (caused by the -M and related options) is per make not per overall run. From v. 4.39 to 4.39 documentation update of 2 Dec 2013 Correct two errors in documentation and in the file COPYING.
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LatexMk completely automates the process of generating a LaTeX document.
Essentially, it is a highly specialized relative of the general make
utility. Given the source files for a document, latexmk issues the
appropriate sequence of commands to generate a .dvi, .ps, .pdf or hardcopy
version of the document. It will run LaTeX the correct number of times to
resolve cross references, and run auxiliary programs (bibtex, makeindex) if
necessary. It can also be set to run continuously with a previewer, in which
case the needed commands are re-run whenever one of the source files is