blymn a9ff3e7db7 This set of patches does the following:
1) makes m4 work so preprocessing of tvtwm menu files is possible
	2) general code clean up.  Code now compiles almost without
	   warnings with -Wall on.
	3) bug fixes spotted when doing (2) - things like fucntions not
	   returning values when they should and assignments in if
	   statements that were not meant to be.
1999-08-08 08:40:23 +00:00

16 lines
442 B

Index: parse.h
RCS file: /home/siren/src/tvtwm/parse.h,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2
--- parse.h 1999/08/08 05:46:53
+++ parse.h 1999/08/08 05:56:55 1.2
@@ -125,4 +125,7 @@
#define D_EAST 3
#define D_WEST 4
+/* function prototypes */
+int ParseMenuFile(char *filename, char *menuname);
#endif /* _PARSE_ */