Version 1.31 (Released 8 Mar 2001)
- copying an object array (see help voids) is now "deep" copy rather than "shallow" copy.
This means that when an object array is assigned to another variable, a completely new
copy is made (before, only the first array level was copied). Mostly this won't affect
you at all because (1) you are using object arrays only if you are using voids() in some
phase in your program, (2) if you are, then you are probably using only single-level
object array. The old behaviour was simply stupid. Object arrays are a crude but working
mechanism for using heterogeneous combined types in Tela; the only relevant function
(in the present Tela version) is voids(), which acts as a constructor for such things.
Thanks to Ch. Spiel for suggesting this change (object.C).
- quit() and exit() now accept input argument (the exit value) (std.ct)
- sort() function now accepts second input argument (user-defined comparison function) (std.ct)
(old function still available as sort_old in case of problems).
- slight change in semantics of --shared option for telakka (
The above were contributed by Christoph Spiel <>
- added incomplete gamma and beta functions (specfun.t)
(specfun.t not autoloaded, but after source("specfun.t") functions are available).
- added function polymul and added polyadd,polymul to autoload (poly.t,telainit.t)
- added function applyfilter (numerics.ct)
- added functionwise profiling option (tela -p) (tela.C,prg.C)
- doing dot product (**) of two zero-length integer vectors produced a LAPACK error message
and Tela quit (la.ct)
- tree.C:DeleteObjects() accessed memory after it being freed, which however did not cause
any problems in practice (unless using malloc debug libraries), but is anyway now fixed
- Some modernizations in configure script (e.g., now tries to link with
libatlas by default instead of libblas if available) (