Format documents in APA style (6th edition) Add tex-biblatex-apa{,-doc} 7.4 BibLaTeX citation and reference style for APA Add tex-continue{,-doc} 0.1 Prints 'continuation' marks on recto pages of multipage documents Add tex-cutwin{,-doc} 0.1 Cut a window in a paragraph, typeset material in it Add tex-hang{,-doc} 2.1 Environments for hanging paragraphs and list items Add tex-hanging{,-doc} 1.2b Hanging paragraphs Add tex-leading{,-doc} 0.3 Define leading with a length Add tex-mfirstuc{,-doc} 2.04 Uppercase the first letter of a word Add tex-thmtools{,-doc} 66 Extensions to theorem environments
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The hanging package facilitates the typesetting of hanging
paragraphs. The package also enables typesetting with hanging
punctuation, by making punctuation characters active. This
facility is best suppressed (it can interfere with other
packages) -- there are package options for suppressing each
individual punctuation character. 'Real' attempts at hanging
punction should nowadays use the microtype package, which takes
advantage of the support offered in recent versions of pdfTeX.