obache 54adf62c10 Import di-4.34 as sysutils/di.
based on PR 47495 by Brad Lanam, some small fixes by me.

di is a disk information utility, displaying everything (and more)
that your df command does. It features the ability to display your
disk usage in whatever format you prefer. It also checks the user
and group quotas, so that the user sees the space available for
their use, not the system wide disk space.
2013-01-30 12:29:06 +00:00

5 lines
227 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.1 2013/01/30 12:29:06 obache Exp $
SHA1 (di-4.34.tar.gz) = 5be548368bb795303f11cff340f3bbc659f892cd
RMD160 (di-4.34.tar.gz) = 538e943a9c699659e4ae150b82314fdbc6f0834d
Size (di-4.34.tar.gz) = 213367 bytes