alnsn f46d0c6896 Initial import of devel/lua-cqueues version 20171014.
Stackable Continuation Queues.

cqueues is a type of event loop for Lua, except it's not a classic
event loop. It doesn't use callbacks - neither as part of the API
nor internally - but instead you communicate with an event controller
by the yielding and resumption of Lua coroutines using objects that
adhere to a simple interface.
2019-01-26 00:57:56 +00:00

7 lines
482 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 2019/01/26 00:57:56 alnsn Exp $
SHA1 (cqueues-20171014.tgz) = 304b8b59ddc7a7cebb3d788c75016c5bb0ead879
RMD160 (cqueues-20171014.tgz) = abd36e199a79eb6d05d4d2dff5668e7ed59dc310
SHA512 (cqueues-20171014.tgz) = f53c498ff6bc6833a52a21b300117ae6b97ce9cec0b986937ba87928be6e1ed0bdb41d8740883d1b4a9f71ca09cfe2d2de859dd9582bd1fcc068ceaf03d7215b
Size (cqueues-20171014.tgz) = 640870 bytes
SHA1 (patch-src_lib_notify.c) = 63dcb558dbd1d53e668ee766b9cd506e36c1efb2