wiz e31688df65 p5-autobox: update to 3.0.1.
3.0.1 Sat 5 May 20:50:14 2018

    - GH #11: fix version declaration on 5.8 (thanks, Grinnz)

3.0.0 Sat 5 May 18:10:16 2018

    - breaking change:
        - the behaviour of UNIVERSAL methods like $native->can and
          $native->isa is now defined as being the same as when autobox
          is not enabled rather than "undefined". (technically, this
          still falls under the rubric of "undefined", but the switch
          from "don't know" to "don't" could break buggy code, so bump
          for safety)
        - add DOES to the list of non-autoboxed methods
    - switch to SemVer i.e. 2.86 (v2.860.0) -> 3.0.0 (v3.0.0)
    - upgrade ppport.h from 3.35 -> 3.42
2018-05-06 06:54:16 +00:00

6 lines
407 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.12 2018/05/06 06:54:16 wiz Exp $
SHA1 (autobox-v3.0.1.tar.gz) = 1f9e9952a9e5371ee5b7703523e6789f389c9ad0
RMD160 (autobox-v3.0.1.tar.gz) = a6fb5a8f7017cc1d1b21033a63e041a49a214221
SHA512 (autobox-v3.0.1.tar.gz) = 401d5e87e15cf26362a88e5d23d8c9e842b951c03ac7010da2317af5ea897fa1fe2e4862cc5c691f25851fd5ba5398935c27f6d9f87fbc2fe52bb68a25d3d3a0
Size (autobox-v3.0.1.tar.gz) = 87047 bytes