ryoon e696b25e94 Update to 10.4.0
     Reworked 'send'/'receive' message API is multiple times faster and has
     more consistent performance on different platforms. Better on BSDs
     than on Linux. The channel for each child is now a dual read/write
     message queue. In previous version only one message could be written
     to the queue with send, now mutiple message can be send on the same
     channel and retrieved on the receiving side with multiple 'receive'
     until returning 'nil'.

     In the new syntax of 'receive' the <message> parameter is optional:

        (receive <pid>) ; returns the message or nil
        (receive <pid> <message>) ; returns true or nil

     Both 'send' and 'receive' now have syntax to return a list of all
     ready child channels using either (send) to get a list of child
     pid's ready to receive data or (receive) to get a list od child
     pid's ready to be read. This greatly speeds up asyncrounous
     messaging, where multiple child processes, but not all, have sent
     messages. Previously:

        (dolist (p (sync)) (until (receive p msg))) ; (sync) -> child pids

     Now using only a ready subset, 'receive' can be used non-blocking
     and only a subset of all child pids is iterated through:

        (dolist (p (receive)) (receive p msg))

     Now, when a 'spawn'ed child process ends abormally the variable in the
     spawn command will contain an error message and a result number,
     e.g. '9' from a kill signal sent by an external process.

     Fixed longstanding bug for list-mode 'net-select'. Now returns
     socket numbers in the ready list not 0's.

     Documention for the messaging API has been updated in the reference
     manual and code patterns documents.

     'invert' over-allocated memory

     Fixed a crash bug in purgeSpawnList()

     icmp6.h include for cygwin in nl-sock.c (thanks KOSH)

     The creation of a communications channel between and parent process
     and 'spawn'ed child processes for usage with the message API  of
     'send' and 'receive', is now optional:

         (spawn <sym-variable> <child-process> [true])

     If the'send' or 'receive' is used on the child process spawned, the
     optional flag must be set to 'true'.

     The fakes versions on 'spawn', 'sync' and 'abort' in Win32 have been
     taken out.

     The newLISP shell "newlisp-x.x.x/util/nls" now works on MS Windows too.

     The link feature using util/link.lsp did no works with 64-bit versions
     of newLISP.

     In the MinGW compile of nl-sock.c the include file wspapi.h has been
     replaced with ws2spi.h. This file is part of the normal MinGW install.

     newlisp.dll now lives in NEWLISPDIR again as it did before 10.3.3

10.3.6 development release November 18th, 2011

     Speedup of string stream conversion for 'format', 'string'.

     A bug fix in 'spawn' when aborting child processes

     Preparations for expanded FFI (grep for FFI in all files)

10.3.7 development release

     Fix in printing FFI primitives (FFI is disabled by default)

     Updated newlispdoc now all tags (including custom) are title-case'ed

     Simple ffi calls working on Mac OSX, UBUNTU Linux (Intel) and Win32
     three (and more) new ffi makfiles:
        makefile_darwin_utf8_ffi  # std OSX install has libs and headers
        makefile_linux_utf8_ffi   # must install package libffi-dev
        makefile_mingw_ffi        # must install libffi.a library for build

     New qa-specific-tests/qa-ffi for ffi API testing

     The new ffi extension work with the existing 'import' functon:
        (import "libc.dylib" "atof" "double" "char*")
        (atof "123.456") => 123.456

     No "cdecl" or "stdcall" mustbe specified. The parameter after
     the function name is the return type. The remaining parameters
     are the function arguments.

     As before, the imported function can be renamed:

        (set 'strtof (import "libc.dylib" "atof" "double" "char*"))
        (strtof "123.456") => 123.456

     The followong types are implemented for LP64, LLP64 and ILP32

         "short int"
         "unsigned short int"
         "unsigned int"
         "long long"

      For pointer return values "char*" and "void*", the address
      is returned as a number. Use 'get-string' or 'unpack' to
      retrieve contents. This method allows returning binary info.
      THIS IS CHANGED IN 10.3.9 where "char*" returns a string
      directly and "void*" a number

      Make sure FFIMPORT struct memory gets freed when doing multiple
      'import' of the same function or deleting the func symbol.

      When using 'configure' and 'make' FFI will be chosen by
      default on Mac OSX, Linux and Windows (MinGW)

      Both "char*" and "void*" accept either a  newLISP string buffer or an
      address number as input. On return "char*" will return a newLISP
      string buffer and "void*" will return an address number.

      Comprehensive qa-specific-tests/qa-ffitest compiles util/ffitest.c
      on the current platform then tests all data types.

      Now ffi checks for nummber of arguments matching call pattern.

      The opengl-demo-ffi.lsp now runs on both 32-bit and 64-bit newLISP
      and libraries. On Windows glut32.dll is required. On Mac OSX everything
      is installed by default.

      ffi callback (ffi closure) working now on Mac OS X, Win32 and UBUNTU Linux
      with standard installed libraries. Only for compiling/linking
      libfffi-dev is necessary on UBUNTU linux.

      The extended 'callback' API will not work on 64-bit Mac OSX newLISP,
      but there is no problem to mix extended 'import' and simple 'callback' API
      (see examples/opengl-demo.lsp)

      Bit 11 for 0x400 in the last field of 'sys-info' is set for extended ffi
      enabled versions requiring ffilib.
            (not (zero? (& 0x400 (sys-info -1)))) => true for FFI support

      Avoid passing on list or string references in primitives taking strings
      or lists but creating new objects.  This caused an error when doing
      (inc (char str)) when str is protected. symbolCheck = NULL only neccessary
      if not set to NULL by previous evaluateExprtession() to non-string/list.
      Fixed on selected primitives.

      qa-ffi and qa-libffi are now part of 'make testall'. They will not be
      executed on versions not compiled for libffi based FFI.

10.3.9 development release December 21st 2011
     'struct' function for extended FFI usage now working for 32 and 64 bit
        (struct 'foo "char" "int" "short int")
     Foo can now be used as a data type in the extended FFI API:
        (import "thelib" "afunc" "foo" "foo") ; takes ans returns a struct foo
     (unpack foo (afunc (pack foo 1 2 3))) => returns a list with 3 numbers
     The additional syntax forms of 'pack' and 'unpack' take care for packing
     and unpacking wirth the correct number of pad bytes to make align
     structures on different Architectures.

     See qa-special-tests/qa-libffi for an example.

     Accept data lists in struct packing just like in traditional 'pack':
        (struct 'pair "int" "int") => pair
        (pack pair 1 2)    => "\001\000\000\000\002\000\000\000"
        (pack pair '(1 2)) => "\001\000\000\000\002\000\000\000"

     Nested structure now can be packed:
        (struct 'pair "char" "char") => pair
        (struct 'comp "pair" "short int") => comp
        (pack comp (pack pair 1 2) 3) => "\001\002\003\000"

     Sub-structures are unpacked manually (may be changed):
        (unpack comp (pack comp (pack pair 1 2) 3)) => ("\001\002" 3)
        (set 'p (first (unpack comp (pack comp (pack pair 1 2) 3))))
        (unpack pair p) => (1 2)

     Because of memory management issues with cells in FFI symbols
     extended ffi functions, structs and callbacks can only be defined
     once. Subsequent definitions return nil and the existing definition
     stays untouched.

     Miscellanous fixes for 64-bit newLISP and ffilib usage.

     Added custom ffi_type ffi_type_charpointer for displayable strings
     now 'unpack' unpacks strings for "char*", not address numbers.

     On Mac OSX 64-bits extended callback (ffi closure) does now work.

     SHA256 crypto algorithm has been added to the module crypto.lsp.
     Thanks to Marc Hildman for this contribution.

10.3.10 Development release Janaury 10th, 2012
     Repeating ffi 'callback' with the same symbol will just return the old
     address but not redefine the callback or return nil (as in 10.3.9).

     examples/opengl-demo-ffi.lsp now also working with extended callback API
     on 32-bit and 64-bit.

     Huge speed improvement in 'read-line' with file handle parameter,
     now as fast as STDIN. For file and pipe operations.

     'struct's returned by the extended FFI will now be unpacked automatically.
     Nested structures will be unpacked recursively too:

         (struct 'pair "char" "char") -> pair
         (struct 'comp "pair" "int") => comp
         (pack comp (pack pair 1 2) 3) => "\001\002\000\000\003\000\000\000"
         (unpack comp "\001\002\000\000\003\000\000\000") => ((1 2) 3)

     Imported functions can now be default functors:
        (define myprintf:myprintf (import "libc.dylib" "printf"))
        (myprintf "%s %d" "hello world" 123)

     All makefile_mingwdll* tweaked for MinGW gcc 4.6.2. But binaries are still
     delivered compiled on gcc 4.4.0 and made on Windows XP SP2, run fine on
     Windows 7. 10.3.6 to 10.3.9 had newlisp.dll compiled for cdecl now in
     10.3.10 newlisp.dll calling conventations are back to stdcall.

     UCT offset minutes as reported by the 'now' function now have reversed the
     sign conform to ISO 8601. Positive for locations east of UCT and negative
     for locations west of the UCT meridian (formerly GMT). Days of the year are
     now reported from 1 - 365 (366 in leap years) instead of starting with
     offset 0.

     'read-char' w/o file handle reads from the current I/O device.

     New version Guiserver 1.45 avoids error loops when midi system is unavailable.

     In 'unify' the underscore symbol '_' matches any atom or list or variable.

     Two new make files for the Raspberry PI development VM from:
     These makefikes don't need the readline library, although it could be installed
     as shown here:

     newlisp.dll now also on Winsock version 2.2 (like the main executable since 10.2.10)
2012-02-15 03:51:51 +00:00