1.18.1 - fixed a compatibility issue with PGF that slipped in right after running the release tests. 1.18 - new feature: 'contour lua', implemented and contributed by Francesco Poli - new feature: ignore empty coordinates when computing regression lines - new feature: improve log-regression fitting of exponential functions (using variance format=linear) - fixed bug: image plots in log mode failed to work. Also fixed issues with mesh/ordering=y varies - fixed bug: handle NaN in stacked plots
13 lines
347 B
13 lines
347 B
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.12 2021/06/05 05:31:03 markd Exp $
DISTNAME= pgfplots.doc
PKGNAME= tex-${DISTNAME:S/./-/}-1.18.1
MAINTAINER= minskim@NetBSD.org
HOMEPAGE= https://ctan.org/pkg/pgfplots
COMMENT= Documentation for tex-pgfplots
LICENSE= gnu-gpl-v3
.include "../../print/texlive/package.mk"
.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"