- bug fix: \multicolumn could not be used for first cell with option 'tabularx' - internal colors names renamed and documented (Section 9.5 Color Names): 'tcbcolframe', 'tcbcolback', 'tcbcolbacktitle', 'tcbcolbacklower', 'tcbcolupper', 'tcbcollower', 'tcbcoltitle' - listingsutf8 compatability better documented (#58) - semantic changed for options: 'after upper*', 'after lower*' - new options: 'before upper*', 'before lower*', 'titlebox', 'nirvana' - library 'skins': * new options: 'beamer hidden', 'beamer alerted', 'hide', 'alert' * option 'only' moved from package to skins library - new documentation section '13 Beamer Support'
13 lines
350 B
13 lines
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# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.7 2019/05/11 22:22:54 markd Exp $
DISTNAME= tcolorbox.doc
PKGNAME= tex-${DISTNAME:S/./-/}-4.20
MAINTAINER= pkgsrc-users@NetBSD.org
HOMEPAGE= http://ctan.org/pkg/tcolorbox
COMMENT= Documentation for tex-tcolorbox
LICENSE= lppl-1.3c
.include "../../print/texlive/package.mk"
.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"