reinoud 5cc3ad0d88 Recommended upgrade that also fixes a lot of small bugs. New in this
release are the preservation of attribute times and ownership of files and
directories and an important fix to filesize related issues making it more
robust. Some important SCSI/ATAPI fixes have been made that greatly
increase drive compatibility.
2006-01-04 14:39:40 +00:00

5 lines
244 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.22 2006/01/04 14:39:40 reinoud Exp $
SHA1 (UDFclient.0.5.1.tgz) = ef37e30c106a04f9fc4cc022fe377a25cddf2e1e
RMD160 (UDFclient.0.5.1.tgz) = ef8570dc0974c1c9cf06c7c5bfcf59a7f518d91b
Size (UDFclient.0.5.1.tgz) = 227322 bytes