taca 90f5c8aa3f www/ruby-rack: update to 3.0.3
3.0.3 (2022-12-26)

* Fix Regexp deprecated third argument with Regexp::NOENCODING (#1998)

3.0.2 (2022-12-05)


* Utils.build_nested_query URL-encodes nested field names including the
  square brackets.
* Allow Rack::Response to pass through streaming bodies. (#1993, @ioquatix)

3.0.1 (2022-11-18)


* MethodOverride does not look for an override if a request does not include
  form/parseable data.
* Rack::Lint::Wrapper correctly handles respond_to? with to_ary, each, call
  and to_path, forwarding to the body. (#1981, @ioquatix)

3.0.0 (2022-09-06)

* No changes

3.0.0.rc1 (2022-09-04)

SPEC Changes

* Stream argument must implement << #1959
* close may be called on rack.input #1956
* rack.response_finished may be used for executing code after the response
  has been finished #1952

3.0.0.beta1 (2022-08-08)


* Do not use semicolon as GET parameter separator. (#1733, @jeremyevans)

SPEC Changes

* Response array must now be non-frozen.
* Response status must now be an integer greater than or equal to 100.
* Response headers must now be an unfrozen hash.
* Response header keys can no longer include uppercase characters.
* Response header values can be an Array to handle multiple values (and no
  longer supports \n encoded headers).
* Response body can now respond to #call (streaming body) instead of #each
  (enumerable body), for the equivalent of response hijacking in previous
* Middleware must no longer call #each on the body, but they can call
  #to_ary on the body if it responds to #to_ary.
* rack.input is no longer required to be rewindable.
* rack.multithread/rack.multiprocess/rack.run_once/rack.version are no
  longer required environment keys.
* SERVER_PROTOCOL is now a required environment key, matching the HTTP
  protocol used in the request.
* rack.hijack? (partial hijack) and rack.hijack (full hijack) are now
  independently optional.
* rack.hijack_io has been removed completely.
* rack.response_finished is an optional environment key which contains an
  array of callable objects that must accept #call(env, status, headers,
  error) and are invoked after the response is finished (either successfully
  or unsuccessfully).
* It is okay to call #close on rack.input to indicate that you no longer
  need or care about the input.
* The stream argument supplied to the streaming body and hijack must support
  #<< for writing output.


* Remove rack.multithread/rack.multiprocess/rack.run_once. These variables
  generally come too late to be useful. (#1720, @ioquatix, @jeremyevans))
* Remove deprecated Rack::Request::SCHEME_WHITELIST. (@jeremyevans)
* Remove internal cookie deletion using pattern matching, there are very few
  practical cases where it would be useful and browsers handle it correctly
  without us doing anything special. (#1844, @ioquatix)
* Remove rack.version as it comes too late to be useful. (#1938, @ioquatix)
* Extract rackup command, Rack::Server, Rack::Handler, Rack::Lobster and
  related code into a separate gem. (#1937, @ioquatix)


* Rack::Headers added to support lower-case header keys. (@jeremyevans)
* Rack::Utils#set_cookie_header now supports escape_key: false to avoid key
  escaping. (@jeremyevans)
* Rack::RewindableInput supports size. (@ahorek)
* Rack::RewindableInput::Middleware added for making rack.input
  rewindable. (@jeremyevans)
* The RFC 7239 Forwarded header is now supported and considered by default
  when looking for information on forwarding, falling back to the
  X-Forwarded-* headers. Rack::Request.forwarded_priority accessor has been
  added for configuring the priority of which header to check. (#1423,
* Allow response headers to contain array of values. (#1598, @ioquatix)
* Support callable body for explicit streaming support and clarify streaming
  response body behaviour. (#1745, @ioquatix, #1748, @wjordan)
* Allow Rack::Builder#run to take a block instead of an argument. (#1942,
* Add rack.response_finished to Rack::Lint. (#1802, @BlakeWilliams, #1952,
* The stream argument must implement #<<. (#1959, @ioquatix)


* BREAKING CHANGE: Require status to be an Integer. (#1662, @olleolleolle)
* BREAKING CHANGE: Query parsing now treats parameters without = as having
  the empty string value instead of nil value, to conform to the URL
  spec. (#1696, @jeremyevans)
* Relax validations around Rack::Request#host and
  Rack::Request#hostname. (#1606, @pvande)
* Removed antiquated handlers: FCGI, LSWS, SCGI, Thin. (#1658, @ioquatix)
* Removed options from Rack::Builder.parse_file and
  Rack::Builder.load_file. (#1663, @ioquatix)
* Rack::HTTP_VERSION has been removed and the HTTP_VERSION env setting is no
  longer set in the CGI and Webrick handlers. (#970, @jeremyevans)
* Rack::Request#[] and #[]= now warn even in non-verbose mode. (#1277,
* Decrease default allowed parameter recursion level from 100 to 32. (#1640,
* Attempting to parse a multipart response with an empty body now raises
  Rack::Multipart::EmptyContentError. (#1603, @jeremyevans)
* Rack::Utils.secure_compare uses OpenSSL's faster implementation if
  available. (#1711, @bdewater)
* Rack::Request#POST now caches an empty hash if input content type is not
  parseable. (#749, @jeremyevans)
* BREAKING CHANGE: Updated trusted_proxy? to match full
  network. (#1781, @snbloch)
* Explicitly deprecate Rack::File which was an alias for
  Rack::Files. (#1811, @ioquatix).
* Moved Rack::Session into separate gem. (#1805, @ioquatix)
* rackup -D option to daemonizes no longer changes the working directory to
  the root. (#1813, @jeremyevans)
* The x-forwarded-proto header is now considered before the
  x-forwarded-scheme header for determining the forwarded
  protocol. Rack::Request.x_forwarded_proto_priority accessor has been added
  for configuring the priority of which header to check. (#1809,
* Rack::Request.forwarded_authority (and methods that call it, such as host)
  now returns the last authority in the forwarded header, instead of the
  first, as earlier forwarded authorities can be forged by clients. This
  restores the Rack 2.1 behavior. (#1829, @jeremyevans)
* Use lower case cookie attributes when creating cookies, and fold cookie
  attributes to lower case when reading cookies (specifically impacting
  secure and httponly attributes). (#1849, @ioquatix)
* The response array must now be mutable (non-frozen) so middleware can
  modify it without allocating a new Array,therefore reducing object
  allocations. (#1887, #1927, @amatsuda, @ioquatix)
* rack.hijack? (partial hijack) and rack.hijack (full hijack) are now
  independently optional. rack.hijack_io is no longer
  required/specified. (#1939, @ioquatix)
* Allow calling close on rack.input. (#1956, @ioquatix)


* Make Rack::MockResponse handle non-hash headers. (#1629, @jeremyevans)
* TempfileReaper now deletes temp files if application raises an
  exception. (#1679, @jeremyevans)
* Handle cookies with values that end in '=' (#1645, @lukaso)
* Make Rack::NullLogger respond to #fatal! @jeremyevans)
* Fix multipart filename generation for filenames that contain
  spaces. Encode spaces as "%20" instead of "+" which will be decoded
  properly by the multipart parser. (#1736, @muirdm)
* Rack::Request#scheme returns ws or wss when one of the X-Forwarded-Scheme
  / X-Forwarded-Proto headers is set to ws or wss, respectively. (#1730,
2023-01-04 15:23:35 +00:00

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@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.21 2023/01/04 15:23:35 taca Exp $