dholland 148ac3b242 Update stella to 3.2.2.
pkgsrc changes: none.
upstream changelog:

3.2.1 to 3.2.2: (September 17, 2010)

  * Fixed bug with window centering; if enabled and the the window was
    larger than the desktop, the window would be moved offscreen.

-Have fun!

3.2 to 3.2.1: (August 25, 2010)

  * Improved behaviour of joystick 'hat' movement.  This should fix bugs
    most visible in Yars' Revenge.

  * Fixed bug in debugger rewind states; bankswitching wasn't being
    performed during the rewind.  Related to this, fixed a similar issue
    with the debugger 'loadstate' and 'savestate' commands.

  * Added game properties info and snapshot for the newly released
    'Halo 2600' ROM.

3.1.2 to 3.2: (August 20, 2010)

  * NOTE: because of the many event-related changes in this release, all
    event mapping should be reset to defaults after starting Stella for
    the first time.  As well, because of other internal changes, older
    save-state files are no longer valid.

  * Many improvements to joystick handling code, particularly for analog
    axes.  Navigating the UI should be much smoother now, and remapping
    events to analog axes should be less 'twitchy'.

  * Added ability to assign and remap 'combo' events in emulation mode.
    Combo events are basically a sequence of normal events (up to 8)
    that are generated from a single event (ie, one button on a joystick
    could generate up to 8 events).  Updated Input Settings UI to
    access and modify these events.

  * Default mappings are now available in UI and emulation mode for the
    first 'hat' detected on a joystick/gamepad.  Related to this, a hat
    now works exactly like an axis in UI mode (holding down a direction
    continues that direction until the hat is released/centered).

  * Several major improvements to the debugger:
      - the disassembler can now process multiple entry points, and
        caches entry points as they're encountered (ie, the disassembly
        isn't 'reset' each time a bank change occurs or you exit and
        re-enter the debugger)
      - preliminary support for disassembling from zero-page RAM
      - re-added ability to change banks with the 'bank' debugger
        prompt command and within the ROM disassembly UI
      - user labels in disassembly are now supported again
      - 'runto' command is now case-insensitive, and shows a progressbar
        while searching through the disassembly
      - the debugger window can be resized between ROM loads (previously,
        the app had to be restarted)
      - fixed bug in Distella disassembler output, where it sometimes
        generated addresses above $FFFF
      - a vertical line separates the disassembly from the raw bytes

  * Fixed behaviour of SWCHB and SWBCNT; pins set to output now remember
    the values previously written.  Some ROMs use this functionality for
    extra storage.  Special thanks to Omegamatrix of AtariAge for advice
    and test ROMs in this area.

  * Fixed bug when reading from illegal TIA addresses; a Space Invaders
    hack was showing pink enemies instead of white ones.  Again, special
    thanks to to Omegamatrix of AtariAge for advice and test ROMs in this

  * Fixed bug in handling INPT4/INPT5 latches from VBLANK; a least one
    ROM was working in Stella when it didn't on real hardware.

  * Added 'ramrandom' commandline argument, which is used to randomize
    all RAM in the system; otherwise, the RAM is zeroed.

  * Added 'finishing touches' to some of the UI descriptions, giving a
    better explanation of the functions.  Related to this, certain
    options now show a message box explaining the option in further
    detail (particularly the ROM Audit mode).  As well, when starting
    Stella for the first time, a prompt appears to select a ROM

  * Fixed bugs in the ROM launcher when viewing certain PNG images not
    created by Stella.  Related to this, the official PNG library is now
    included in the Stella codebase (version 1.4.3).  Also added composite
    snapshots for those ROMs which consist of several games.  Thanks go
    to Buzbard of AtariAge for these images.

  * Added several fixes for crashes on 'small' systems (those systems
    where the maximum resolution is less than 640x480).

  * Tweaked bankswitch autodetection for 0840, DPC+, E7 and UA schemes.

  * Improved F8 bankswitch autodetection for Yars Revenge in 8in1 ROM.

  * Updated DPC+ bankswitch scheme to latest specifications.

  * Snapshots taken in continuous snapshot mode are now timestamped, so
    older files are never overwritten.

  * Fixed a TIA segfault that could occur with certain ROMs.

  * The 'center' application window functionality can now be changed
    without having to restart the application.  Related to this, mouse
    positioning bugs when using the Linux version in OpenGL mode with
    SDL 1.2.14 have been fixed.

  * Reworked the manual, dividing it into 'Getting Started' and
    'Advanced Configuration' sections.  It still contains the same info
    as before, but hopefully in a better organized way.

  * Updated Help dialog; it was showing incorrect info for some OSX

  * Updated OSX build script to not crash when a previous build is
    detected, and to properly handle filenames with spaces.

  * Updated included ZLib to latest release version (1.2.5).

3.1.1 to 3.1.2: (May 3, 2010)

  * Modified 'showinfo' command to accept levels of output, where
    increasingly larger numbers provide more debug output.  Related to
    this, added UI item to modify 'showinfo'.

  * Updated DPC+ bankswitch scheme to latest specifications, including
    support for 32K ROMs with ARM code (the ARM code is ignored for now).

  * Fixed bug in saving patched ROMs using DPC and DPC+ bankswitch
    schemes; the saved image didn't actually include any changes made by
    the user.

  * Removed 'uselauncher' from the UI, since disabling it will remove
    the ROM launcher on all future runs, and not allow one to enable it
    again.  It's still available from the commandline, for those that
    have a need for it.

3.1 to 3.1.1: (April 26, 2010)

  * Fixed program crash when using RIOT addresses and labels in the
    debugger console prompt.

  * Updated DPC+ bankswitch scheme to latest specifications.

3.0 to 3.1: (April 22, 2010)

  * Fixed a major bug with text drawing in software rendering mode.
    Switching between windowed and fullscreen mode while text was being
    shown could result in garbled text or even a program crash.

  * Fixed issues when using 'sleep' timing, whereby a lockup could occur
    when changing video modes, and/or Stella would consume more CPU time
    than was necessary.

  * Integrated Distella disassembler, completely replacing the previous
    disassembler.  The entire infrastructure has not been completely
    ported yet.  As a result, labels defined by the user or from a
    DASM symbol file aren't actually used in the disassembly, and almost
    all distella config options are disabled.  These will be addressed in
    a future release.

  * Completely reworked the debugger cartridge interface, so that
    the disassembly is dynamic (ie, the debugger tracks when cart address
    space has changed, and automatically performs a re-disassembly).

  * All carts with extended RAM that differentiate between read and write
    ports now behave correctly when a read from the write port occurs.

  * Added more complete support for the more esoteric bankswitch
    schemes in the debugger.  These schemes now support accurate
    disassembly and ROM patch functionality.  Related to this, fixed a
    bug in disassembler view when a failure to patch a ROM still showed
    the (incorrect) patched results.

  * Added ability to disable TIA object collisions, independent of
    enabling/disabling the objects.  Previously, one had to completely
    disable an object to avoid collisions, but now an object can be
    enabled (and seen) but still have its collisions disabled.  These
    actions are tied to the same keys as the enable ones, except the
    'Shift' key is also used.

  * Added preliminary support for 'DPC+' bankswitching scheme, thanks to
    Darrell Spice Jr and Fred Quimby.

  * Added '16in1' bankswitching scheme, which works with various
    ROMs labeled '128-in-1 ...' (the database has been updated for
    these).  Related to this, switching between multicart ROMs for 2in1,
    4in1, 8in1, 16in1 and 32in1 now shows a UI message indicating which
    ROM is active.

  * Reverted some of the TIA improvements with respect to 'starfield
    effect' as seen in "Cosmic Ark" and "Stay Frosty".  The emulation is
    now more accurate as compared to the majority of consoles in use.

  * Added debugger pseudo-register '_rwport', which traps on a read from
    the write port.  This differentiates from reads that are normally
    part of a write cycle (ie, it traps only on inadvertent reads).

  * Added 'resolvedata' commandline argument and associated UI item, used
    to set the "resolve data sections" config option in Distella
    (vs. treating all address space as code).

  * Added 'runtopc' debugger command, used to step until encountering the
    given program counter.  This is also available in the ROM disassembly
    UI from the right-click context menu.

  * Added 'listfunctions' and 'delfunction' debugger commands to
    access/remove user-defined functions.  Related to this, fixed a bug
    in 'function' command that could cause a program crash.

  * Added 'cls' debugger command, used to erase the text and history
    from the debugger prompt.

  * Removed the 'listwatches' and 'poke' debugger commands, as they
    were redundant.

  * Removed the 'loadlst' debugger command and the ability to use a
    DASM .lst file.  This code was incomplete, and no longer fits with
    the recent disassembler improvements.  Support for this may return
    in a future release.

  * Modified 'disasm' debugger command to accept a second argument
    indicating the number of lines to disassemble.

  * Improved tab-completion in the debugger prompt; it now completes
    on functions and pseudo-registers.

  * Added emulation of the "Sega Genesis" controller, with two buttons
    that are directly supported on a real system.

  * The ZLib library is now included in the core code, so Windows
    developers no longer have to track down the ZLIBWAPI archive.

  * Many changes to the MacOS X port, bringing it more in line with
    other systems:

      The application is now known as 'Stella' (instead of StellaOSX).

      Two versions are available: the first is a 32-bit Universal Binary
      for OSX 10.4 - 10.6, and the second is 32/64-bit Intel-only for
      OSX 10.6 (aka Snow Leopard).  The Intel version is compiled with the
      very latest compiler (LLVM/Clang), resulting in better performance.

      The keyboard handling is changed to match other systems in terms of
      where the keys actually are on the keyboard (ie, the OSX Command key
      corresponds to Alt, and the OSX Control key corresponds to Control).

      The application menu has been cleaned up and simplified, and it
      now shows the correct shortcuts for menu items.

      The settings file is now (according to Apple standards)

      The base directory (where all other Stella stuff is located) is now
      '~/Library/Application Support/Stella'.

      Because of these changes, all your settings will have to be entered

  * Added 'ctrlcombo' commandline argument, which toggles the use of the
    control key as a modifier key.  This is useful if you want to press
    'Control' and 'R' in a two player game, and not have the combination
    treated as 'Control-R' (which will issue a ROM reload).

  * Added 'usemouse' commandline argument and associated UI item.  This
    toggles the use of the mouse as a controller of any type.

  * Added 'uimessages' commandline argument and associated UI item.
    This toggles showing of UI messages overlaid on the screen.
    Critical messages are still shown, though.

  * Added ability to take multiple snapshots in a given interval every
    x seconds.  This is currently tied to the 'Alt-s' key and is not
    remappable (for now).  The interval can be set with the 'ssinterval'
    commandline argument and within the UI, and defaults to 2.

  * Many changes to the FrameBuffer and UI code for 'smaller' systems.
    Stella will now scale correctly to small screens, down to 320x240
    (which is the absolute lower limit supported).  Related to this,
    added 'maxres' commandline argument, which is useful for developers
    testing on such systems.

  * The About dialog now shows the version of SDL in use, and the type
    of CPU the application is running on (i386, x86_64, etc).

  * Improved 'listrominfo' commandline argument to list all information
    from Stella's internal ROM database, including a heading.  This
    output can be imported into a spreadsheet or database program.

  * Renamed 'tiafloat' commandline argument to 'tiadriven'.  The
    emulation of the behaviour of floating TIA pins is also much more

  * Reworked state files so that they're associated with the cartridge
    type used, not the MD5sum of the ROM.  This is useful for developers,
    since the same state file can now be loaded from different ROMs,
    as long as the cart type stays the same.  This also fixes a bug
    where loading from a non-existent state file could cause Stella
    to crash.  Because of these changes, old state files will no longer

  * Fixed bug in certain editable text fields, where pressing Return/Enter
    would disable any further input.
2010-10-16 16:08:19 +00:00

32 lines
869 B

# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.37 2010/10/16 16:08:19 dholland Exp $
CATEGORIES= emulators
COMMENT= Multi-platform Atari 2600 VCS emulator
LICENSE= gnu-gpl-v2
USE_TOOLS+= gmake
.if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "arm" || ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "arm32"
GCC_REQD+= 3.0
.include "../../sysutils/desktop-file-utils/"
.include "../../devel/SDL/"
.include "../../devel/zlib/"
.include "../../graphics/png/"
.include "../../mk/"