sno 0f679909f9 Importing package for perl module LaTeX::Encode as a dependency of upcoming
LaTeX::Table and Template::Plugin::Latex packages.

This module provides a function to encode text that is to be formatted with
LaTeX. It encodes characters that are special to LaTeX or that are
represented in LaTeX by LaTeX commands.
2009-05-17 10:24:53 +00:00

18 lines
843 B

This module provides a function to encode text that is to be formatted with
LaTeX. It encodes characters that are special to LaTeX or that are
represented in LaTeX by LaTeX commands.
The special characters are: \ (command character), { (open group), }
(end group), & (table column separator), # (parameter specifier),
% (comment character), _ (subscript), ^ (superscript),
~ (non-breakable space), $ (mathematics mode).
Note that some of the LaTeX commands for characters are defined in the LaTeX
textcomp package. If your text includes such characters, you will need to
include the following lines in the preamble to your LaTeX document.
The function is useful for encoding data that is interpolated into LaTeX
document templates, say with Template::Plugin::Latex (shameless plug!).